Friday 15 June 2012

The Power of a List!!

Vin went off to Sainsburys in Crosby this morning. For one thing it was tipping down, cleared up a bit now but still showery, and for another thing I'm still stuck in the house. Total pain. And a horrible thing to have. never mind. He goes out armed with a list, and knowing that you get 1/2 free parking spurs him on. I think shopping is a bit of a race for him. When i go round I pick things up that I think that we need to put in stock, he just gets the list things. if it isn't on the list he doesn't get it! he got all the things for the weekend. very well done Vin...I trained you well. Saw an item on the website today about a hoarding that was put up at one of the railway stations, it said In the bible it said that it rained for forty days and they called it a disaster, but in England they call it Summer! Someone with a very good sense of homour there.That must have brightened up some travellers day.. Tonight we are having: Fishless fingers baked tomato and Chips green beans for moi and some mushy peas for Vin.

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