Tuesday 8 January 2013

Deja Vu!!

We settled down on Saturdy evening to watch "Call the midwife" the Christmas one. half way through we looked at each other and said that we had seen it before! turned out that we had seen sort of watching it one afternoon after I had come back from hospital and just thought it was an old ne!!  We enjoyed it anyway..very good acting and characters.
 Started taking the decorations down on Sunday, Vin took the trees down and just had the remaining decorations in the front room. He is now putting them up in the cupboard in the bedroom..quite a job really.
The District nurses have been every day,each day someone different but all really nice. Funny how they all do the dressings differently, some tighter than others but all very thorough and efficient. Good job we don't live in America, this would all be costing a fortune.
Poor Vin had a bit of a strop yesterday, I think his halo is slipping a bit!! Don't blame hime in the least really. he had a right grump on him last night, started with his pizza sticking to the baking tray.Then he moaned about his "skanky" salad. He isn't a salad fan at the best of times, but he wasn't keen on the one he did yesterday at all. Oh Dear!!
Last night we had:
Pizza with a questionable salad!
potato salad to go with.

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