Monday 15 September 2014

Another Appointment!

Today was centred around another appointment at Aintree, this time at the Nephrology clinic. It was earl;ier though for ten to two.
earlier than normal coffee this morning inside because it was cloudy outside, and has looked like rain all day.  Vin mooched about a bit and I had a catch up on the puter, then it was lunchtime which agaqin was early for us. 
Out by around a quarter past one, and a decent trip along the motorway with no hold ups so a nice clear run. Vin dropped me off at the front, and I went up to the clinic while he parked the car and caught me up later. I was called through very quickly actually had my weight done..very good, blood pressure..good..urine sample done..good and wait round the corner to see the Dr., Vin was there waiting for me, and the Head man called me into his room . I haven't seen him for ages actually, I generally see his underlings. He was very nice, explained what was going on and to increase my dose of injection to maintain a good blood level. See them again in six months and a blood test in three months at the beginning of December. While I waited at the reception desk vin went off to get his car because he said we were under the half hour and it would be free if he got a move on. Excellent! saved £3.
Left Aintree and went along to M&S on the industrial estate to get the veggies for the week so we didn't have to get them tomorrow and can go out somewhere.  I fancied a little coffee so went up to the cafe and we had a nice small coffee  since we didn't have one after lunch. 
Down to the food hall for our veggies. I do like M&S veg., always nice and fresh and some quite good offers too. Got a good range which will do us all week, aqlso got some extras which  usually do, and then home to a little cat who wanted feeding. As usual :)
So a good day today really. 
Tonight we are having:
Pizza from last night,with cheese and mushroom
Green salad with baby plum tomatoes and avocado,
Pasta salad.

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