Thursday 2 February 2017

Losing so Many!

Today we learn that Desmond Carrington has died. This comes after Bronwyn's passing yesterday. What a week! 
Vin and I used to always listen to Desmond on Radio 2s "Music goes round" on a Friday night and had done for countless years. We used to record it and listen in peace and quiet on a Sunday. He always played the unusual and a bit quirky records and always worth listening to. 36 years he produced this programme for with the probably invaluable help of Dave Aylott. Plus of course his references to Golden Paws cat who he mentioned at the end of every programme.  A lovely man who has had many many friends on the Radio two family. 
Thursday we stayed in and  mooched about a bit. We didn't have any appointments so stopped in and made the most of the house and the cat too. She is at the moment in her basket downstairs which she absolutely loves. Vin trimmed her claws yesterday so she doesn't catch on the edge of the basket or the carpet which she has been doing.

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