Monday, 19 April 2021

Monday Again!

And anotherweek gets going. up early this morning to get ready for Mark coming. He came early this morning actually we were not quite ready but we got there in the end. The toe is better and we are back to two weeks from today which will be the Tuesday because the Monday is a bank holiday.May bank holiday already! The kids have gone back to school after the Easter break and they are off next Monday too. Good grief!

Watched the funeral of The Duke of Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon, very beautiful funeral. So dignified and carefully done with all the pagentry we are so good at in this country.  All socially distanced and masked at least the mourning party were, the men walking behind the coffin which was driven to the chapel on a specially modified land rover designed by The Duke himself.  She sat on her ownlooking soalone and tiny, just her eyes visible. Very dignified. At least William and Harry seem to be talking again, which is a sort of blessing Isuppose.I hope he is proud of himself after that Oprah interview. Think he will come to regret that intime!

Jessie the Houdini cat did her usual disappearing act when Mark rang the doorbell. I don't think inall the time he has been coming here he has ever had more than a slight glimpse of her usually going upstairs at a very fast speed. Under Jane's bed till it is safe again. 

Big week for our Jane this week, her money hasto be sorted and the house exchange going through if everythinggoes right. Fingers, what toes I haveleft al crossed for her.  Very stressful time for her at the moment together with work and everything it's hard going for her. 

 Is it safe to come out yet? Where's my daddy?

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