Monday 22 October 2012


Watch this space. This is by way of being an experiment since I haven't been able to access my blog via AOL for a long while. I have been doing it on the Internet Explorer site which I wasn't happy with at all.  So, we shall see how this goes.
Normal weekend with me stopping in and Vin taking his car to the garage on Friday. Then when he got back he had noticed a hot smell coming from one of his tyres so he
arranged to take it in today, (Monday). Up early to do this took the car in and came home on the little bus. They rang up around twelvish and said it seemed to have righted itself so off he went back on the little bus to collect it. Bit of a faff for him but I'm glad it is ok at the moment. He has decided that it needs a bit of a run, and he isn't using it enough.  Think that's my fault, because we haven't been anywhere for months now. Forgotten what the Cheshire Oaks looks like!!
I ordered some new phones for the house last week and they arrived today. Great looking phones too. You get two and they have nice big buttons to use, speakers and different ring tones. At the moment they are charging up so aren't in use yet we will see what they do tomorrow.
Just started a letter to John and Ann this morning, but a tad stuck for things to write about since we haven't been on holiday or been anywhere except hospital appointments  so just chatting about rubbish really. Will have to get my thinking cap on.Have ordered the latest series of Downton Abbey for them, it's on pre order and is due for release on November 5th so nicely in time for Christmas.  I have them a calendar and there is a diary with the dvd so maybe send that as well. This series is such a good one we are really enjoying it but there are only two more left :).
Tonight we are having:
Left over pizza from last night
Egg and potato salad with avocado and plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and pasta salad for Vin.

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