Tuesday 10 April 2018

What a Change !

Yesterday it was lovely, quite Spring like today however, it is completely different . Really cool and no sign of the sun at all, in fact wall to wall rain. No wonder the fields going out of the village are sodden, you wonder if they are ever going to dry out for the farmers to plant anything. There are huge pools of water every where that look almost like lakes! Shame for them because they can't get into the fields to turn the earth over or anything. 
We had soup again for lunch, carrot and coriander, and very nice it was too. Not too warm either given the weather, and Vin is going to light another small fire later too. 
Probably won't  hear from our Jane for a bit because she is off till Thursday which gives her a nice break, hope she finds a few minutes to go and get her hair cut! It must be down to her knees by now ! 
She looks lovely with her short hair. Not sticking up though!
 Our jessie was quite quiet today, I think the weather affects her too. Clearly she doesn't want to go out, she certainly doesn't like the rain. Who does?  She didn't wake Vin up so early today, it must have been a bit darker this morning.but does get going when she wants her food though. 
Tickle me and see what happens!  Nearly time for cream cake!

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