Monday 13 August 2018

One in One out!

It was a day in for me but Vin had an appointment at Specsavers for twenty to twelve this morning. He left on time and got there ten minutes early, he said he waited for a bit then went upstairs for his eye test.  He said they did all of the right tests and the optician said his sight had changed a bit and when he put the old prescription up followed by the new one Vin could see a change so he has gone with getting  two new pairs. They do a two for one offer so it isn't too bad.  He will get the money from Medicash too so that is a good help. He got them up online for me to see what he has chosen and they look very good.
He got back about one so we have had a late coffee and a late lunch which was my usual yogit and crips. Vin had the same today, and I came up to do this. 
 Jessie came in and out once Vin was  home. He was in the middle room with her box of biscuits and a pack of wet food asking her which she wanted, she nosed the biscuit box over so he gave her those!!  He talks away to her and quite often she will answer him with a loud miaow. 
Cream cake today Jessie ! Licking your lips already?

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