Wednesday 15 August 2018

Tootsie Time!

The morning was arranged around the appointment at  Aintree for one thirty. We had a coffee at twelve and then went to get ready. 
Left the house at one and got there pretty much on time. Arrived in reception and sat down for a few minutes and called in by Helena.  She had just come back from Orlando so we had a nice chat about that. They stayed on the Disney Resort which sounds really good especially since you get the food in as well. That always used to be
 a pain there having to go out each night to get dinner! 
The appointment went very quickly mainly because the toe is healing really well so is just being padded now to protect it. 
 Jessie was in the middle room when we got home. She actually gave me a nice miaow, at least I think it was a nice one, you can't tell with her. 
Are you eating my cream cake! 

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