Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Jab! Jab!

Yesterday morning we both went off to Ainsdale to get our second jab. As always we got there a bit early but there weren't any queues so they dealt with us straight away. Our appointments were for 12.30 and 12.35 but in actual fact we were out and on our way home by 12.30. All done and dusted so hopefully we can believe the scientists and get on with a bit of normality.  Neither of us seemed to get any side effects unlikelast time when we were very tired and a bit fluey the next day. Hope that is a good sign.  We called in at Tesco on our way back because Vin wanted to get some emergency things like his yogurt.   He has gone off to Tesco again this morning because he gets the normal shopping, didn't have time for that yesterday we wanted to get back for our coffee. Nowhere to go for a coffee yet unless you sit outside and it was a bit cooler yesterday so not vey tempting!

Nothing much going on in the village. Jane is busy sorting out what furniture she wants for her house, it must be exciting having a whole house to start with all fresh and new. She bumped into her neighbours where she is now and they will lend her a step ladder so she can change a light bulb in her upstairs toilet.! Funny how a simple thinglike that can cause a problem when you don't have one. They will also give her the name and number of a man who will do odd jobs for her so she was on the phone to Vin to see what needs doing. There is some ivy round the front door which definitely needs removing and also a socket in the kitchen which needs fixing to the wall.  Also other bits of pointing.  Yesterday she ordered bed, side table, chest of drawers and possibly some little tables for the sitting room. She is going to look at sofas probably on friday when she has a day off.  Her washing machine and tumble drier has been ordered to be delivered by the end of may when she has time off. So much for her to do, but she will get there in the end!!

Jessie hasn't moved yesterday when we went out, she was in the same spot when we left.  All nice and comfy on the sofa so she stayed there!

Comfy and cosy and I ain't moving! 

Monday, 26 April 2021

New Week!

Another week crops up again. Gosh they fly by so fast really. This week we are off to Ainsdale tomorrow for our second jab both of us, then Thursday to Aintree to get a blood test done. It is a drive through set up so should be easier at least no parking involved don't suppose,  no Mark this morning because we are presently on two weekly visits so that is good. However, Vin did see him this morning to check that it will be next Tuesday because Monday is May day Bank Holiday. Wonder if we can squeeze in a cup of coffee somewhere in between all of that, it is ages since we have been for a coffee out. Do miss our Costas and our Dobbie visits.

Jane has been in her new house getting the kitchen cleaned which she said was dusty. That's a first! Only kidding!  For some reason the sellers had left an older washing machine there and she was looking online for a washing machineand tumble drier, she was asking her dad last night about them and he told her to go with a cheaper one because you don't need an all singing/dancing one just a good one to do the job. AO can deliver, install and take away the older one too so she can arrange that for a couple of weeks when she has some time off. Must be so overwhelming for her because she has nothing, starting with square one. She has a microwave, toaster, kettle, and some pots and pans all matching so that is nice. Plus of course her very own fridge and freezer!

Jessie does not have to do a runner this morning she will be glad about that. It is the doorbell she doesn't like, you would think that she would be used to Mark coming by now.  She certainly isn't a nosy cat, most of the cts we have had would have certainly been for a nose around by now.

 Wot! Nodoorbell!

Friday, 23 April 2021

Weekly Musings!

Monday was our usual visit from Mark my podiatrist, he was early and was gone by a quarter to ten, the rest of the week  has been relatively normal. Tuesday was a quiet day, sort of recovering after getting up early :) only kidding really.  Wednesday Vin went off to Tesco to top up the shopping, we had overslept that morning so everything was sort of delayed but he made up time and caught up.  Thursday he did the ironing to get that done and dusted,  already done the washing on Tuesday. New washing machine appears to be doing very well, very pleased with that.  Today Friday he has gone off to Crosby to get some things from Sainsbury's and Home and Bargain to get the top up things from there. Still a tendency to be cool so he wants to get some logs and coal to keep a bit of a stock in. 

Meanwhile throughout all of this our Jane has been dealing with her house sale.. Seems now at very long last to be on the home stretch, but it has been such a long haul. Bless her she has coped with everything, I am so proud of her, the flaming estae agent woman has been the pits, even getting in touch with her on Tuesday to say that the sellers have refused to pay the indemnity insurance and if it isn't paid by midday they would put the house on the market again!!! Unbelieveable,  She has done everything right from her point of view but it is the sellers who have stalled and caused problems throughout. Hopefully today it will all be sorted and she will eventually get the property.  Fingers and everything crossed for her. 

Jessie causing trouble again! Waking him up early one day so early it was still dark! she does that by jumping up on the bed and stroking his cheek till he moves! then he comes back to bed with a cup of tea and more than likely oversleeps.   This morning we were having our morning coffee and cow biscuit and she jumped up on the bed and was really cute and affectionate, stayed on the bed for ages. She ended up on the bedroom windowsill just looking out at what was going on.  Wonder why cats like looking out of windows?

 Can you see what I see?@ Little friends to play with?

Monday, 19 April 2021

Monday Again!

And anotherweek gets going. up early this morning to get ready for Mark coming. He came early this morning actually we were not quite ready but we got there in the end. The toe is better and we are back to two weeks from today which will be the Tuesday because the Monday is a bank holiday.May bank holiday already! The kids have gone back to school after the Easter break and they are off next Monday too. Good grief!

Watched the funeral of The Duke of Edinburgh on Saturday afternoon, very beautiful funeral. So dignified and carefully done with all the pagentry we are so good at in this country.  All socially distanced and masked at least the mourning party were, the men walking behind the coffin which was driven to the chapel on a specially modified land rover designed by The Duke himself.  She sat on her ownlooking soalone and tiny, just her eyes visible. Very dignified. At least William and Harry seem to be talking again, which is a sort of blessing Isuppose.I hope he is proud of himself after that Oprah interview. Think he will come to regret that intime!

Jessie the Houdini cat did her usual disappearing act when Mark rang the doorbell. I don't think inall the time he has been coming here he has ever had more than a slight glimpse of her usually going upstairs at a very fast speed. Under Jane's bed till it is safe again. 

Big week for our Jane this week, her money hasto be sorted and the house exchange going through if everythinggoes right. Fingers, what toes I haveleft al crossed for her.  Very stressful time for her at the moment together with work and everything it's hard going for her. 

 Is it safe to come out yet? Where's my daddy?

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Thursday Doings!

 Nearly the end of the week again! Vin went off to Tesco yesterday as normal, seems to be the quietest day for going there, and now the schools are back it makes a difference. At the beginning of the week the lockdown rules eased a bit with non essential shops being opened and bars and pubs open if they can serve outside. Although what pleasure there is in sitting outside when it is feezing cold with a cold pint of beer is beyondf me!

Yesterday Vin had a successful ink hunt, he has been looking for some ink for his fountain pen for ages and it is unbelievably difficult to find anywhere that sells it. If you go on Amazon etc., you have the problem of the p&p to add on which makes it very expensive. Anyway he found a stationers in Formby so went there to get some after ringing up first to check it had some. He came back with a nice bottle of Quink ink in a fetching shade of blue which he wanted. Nice to find a small shop and local too which sells exactly what you want. Pity is they a fast disappearing these days. People back on the High Streets again judging by yesterday's news, Queues round shops like Primark and round the blocks too. Madness!

Jessie is spending her weeks as normal, doing what she always does. She does however, wake him up very early in the morning for her feeding, she has a new way now, by stroking the side of his cheek till he moves. He says sometimes he says "go away" but she returns a minute later to do the same thing. Consequently he gets up, feed her and gets a half mug of tea and comes back to bed. Then falls asleep again and we don't wake up till later!Ah well she is happy!

He wakes up to find this little face staring at him. Who can resist!

Monday, 12 April 2021

Sad Royal News!

Friday saw the death of Prince Philip The Duke of Edinburgh. The television of course has been more orlesswall to wall programmes about hslife over the 99 years he lived. Such a shame for The Queen who will miss him such a lot.  He was forthright, funny and a huge support to her, and always his own man. Sadly missed. Funeral next Saturday at Windsor Castle with 30 of his family present.  I suspect the way he would have preferred because he hated fuss apparently. 

Another week begins with essential shops being opened and bars and pubs being allowed to open if they can serve in outside spaces. Bit cold for that though it is nor warm today. If you were having a meal outside I think it would cool down quite quickly. The news this morning showed a variety of shops open in various places including shops in Chester. Schools are back today too after their Easter break.  Mark came today, and said the traffic was definitely heavier probably due to that as well. he came about a quarter to ten and is coming back next week then it will be back to two weeks again hopefully. 

Jessie of course has done her usual disappearing act as soon as he arrived. Vin says she knows when something is going on when the vacuum arrives, and she is then very wary. When the front door opens again then she runs off upstairs, straight under Jane's bed. She likes it there all quiet in the corner and nice and safe. 

 The vanishing cat!

Friday, 9 April 2021

Weekend Again!

Coming up today it is friday. The weeks go by remarkably quickly really considering how boring life is altogether. But never mind, we are safe and have had one vaccination and the second due  at the end of this month. Not bad going.

We have missed thingslike going to Dobbies which we did quite regularly every month, loved a bit of a browse and of course our free coffees. We haven't been there for months. As well as that we haven't been to Costa in Formby probably since the beginning oflast year either. Such a shame, they must havelost an absolute fortune during this whole thing.  Next week some shops are opening including hairdressers but I don't expect Vin will be rushingto get his hair cut immediately. he never goes when they are busy and they are bound to be for a while anyway. Mine is ok, Vin just takes the scissors to the back when it gets too long and does the fringe every now and again and that's it.  I know Jane needs hers done, hers grows so quickly, but it is getting the time for her. 

Little Jessie was jumping on the bed this morning after her Daddy, he says it is like Japanese water torture, she strokes his cheek till he moves. Eventually it works and he gets up to feed her. Trouble is it is too early to get up, but he is awake then. Oh dear!

 Pretty little pose from her Royal Highness!

Wednesday, 7 April 2021


Wednesday again, oh how the weeks are passing so quickly. Vin has gone off to Tesco as he normally does this morning. Top of his list probably  cat food for his little princess, only kidding, he shops very well now actually. I used to do a lot of impulse buying which he doesn't tend to do so we have probably saved quite a bit of money over the year.  He goes with his list which I never did I just wandered around getting what I think we needed. He is totally different his list is made up over the week things we have run out of and then the essentials. Very organised. 

Covid is still raising its ugly head, they are now talking about the risk of bloodclots with the AZ vaccine but it seems so small it is nothing to worry about. There are risks with every drug you take so it is a case of either get the virus or have the vaccine it is no contest really. 

Nice weather again today but still very cold with a little tiny flurry of snow this morning which thankfully didn't last long.  Doesn't bother Jessie though, she doesn't go out unless it is really nice and warm and her daddy is out there too. She did her usual disappearing act yesterday when Mark came. Up the stairs and under Jane's bed out of the way. As soon as he has gone Vin shouts up the stairs "You can come down now!"  and about half an hour later she does. Usually when I am in the computer room. I wonder why!

I like this picture, proper posing! 

Monday, 5 April 2021

Easter Been and Gone!

Well nearly. It is Easter Monday today so all but over, passed quite uneventfully really. Jane went to have a look at the house she is buying on Saturday and found quite a lot about it. At least she got a look in the fridge! The lady who was conducting the viewings way back in October wouldn't let her do that  since it was the height of lockdown and things were much tighter. Understandable I suppose.  Anyway she met the chap who is selling and he gave her quite a lot ofinfo which is good. All set for the searches now probably

We didn't go anywhere of course, yesterday we did our usual Sunday things, listen to Steve Wright first, then read the papers and later do the Sunday paper crosswords, which we both enjoy. Nice bright as it has been all weekend but we did get forecast for an icy blast from the North from today.  It is certainly colder this morning but still very bright and sunny and blue skies. Don't think it is swimming in the sea weather!

Jessie is doing Jessie things too, eat, sleep check her daddy is around, eat some more, repeat! See normal. Lovely life really. 

On the prowl..where is he ? She looks half asleep here. Not to be disturbed till tomorrow when Mark comes again then she will disappear upstairs again till he has gone.