Tuesday, 15 October 2019


In today waiting for a delivery, did get a letter from QVC with a refund cheque for £43.10p apparently for the refund of postage on returned items. Nice surprise.
Our Jessie is definitelylooking better, she came down last night and Vin said she actually showed some interest in her food which she hasn't done for the last week or so. It has taken about a week for her to recover, it must have been quite an infectin poor little thing. Vin is a lot happier with her now. 
We got a parcel from John and Ann yesterday with a present for Vin for his birthday, it was delayed because it had been stuck in someone's car apparently. nice letter to go with, telling all their gossip. Vin reads them out to me because the writing is so small I have no chance of reading it. 
Nice day today and vin has totally finished his shed, he did the last bit of nailing yesterday, it was just the bit at the back that was awkward to get at.  Al tight and waterproof now and a really good job done. Well done!
I wonder if she will come down for a bit of cream cake today?

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