Wednesday, 18 December 2019

It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas!

Decorations up, trees are done, and cards arriving by each post.  I did all of mine yesterday so they have been posted, and Vin did the neighbours ones so they have gone also. Just last minute shopping to do in terms of veggies etc., otherwise vin has done an excellent job of getting everything. I don't think we'll starve! We don't have many presents to buy actually, and John and Ann's parcel went a bit ago so all is done really. 
W3e have had visits from little Jack next door who comes in for a nosey. Jessie isn't too keen and twends to run off upstairs to hide under the bed out of the way. He is a lovely cat and very friendly, seems to like our house and garden. He loves Vin playing with him and will chase a ball up the garden for ages. She is going away again for the holidays so they wll be in the cattery again. poor little things.
Election a week away now so all done and dusted, we have a Conservative party in charge wopn with a landslide this time. now the labour party are arguing amongst themselves about who is going to be the next leader after jeremy Corbyn goes. Beyond caring really now.  

Jessie roasting by aan open fire! 

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