Friday, 4 December 2020

Colder Today!

At least i think it is,but there again I'm always cold anyway. :) Vin doesn't he is presently out in the back garden putting up some lovely little red berries on the fence for Christmas. Brave soul he is. Yesterday he went off to Formby to get his M.O.T. done and it passed with flying coloursso he was pleased about that. Jane had hers done last week too and hers did when she had replaced a rear light then it was redone and it passed too so she was pleased as well. 

Poor girl has done four nights this week so not expecting to hear from her until at least tomorrow. She will indeed be very tired I should think. 

Shopping done on wednesday as usual and he bought some things for Christmas. It all helps to ease the load, the last thing you want is to to have to get everything at the last minute. The more you can get beforehand the better. 

Jessie was funny yesterday. When Vin went off to get his m.o.t. done she jumped down from the sofa where she usually sits next to him and sat on the carpet in front of the middle room door, and there she stayed till he came back an hour later! There's loyalty for you indeed.


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