Tuesday, 13 July 2021


Thank the Lord that is all over for the time being, the final on Sunday which England lost on penalties, so Italy took the trophy. It wasn't coming home after all! That is over and so is the tennis which I did enjoy, Both of the finals matches were good matches and well worth watching. Next thing coming up is the Olympicas although how exactly they will go is anybody's guess, in Japan this time and postponed from last year becaus of  you know what. 

The weather is clearing up a little,at least it is brighter and sunnier, Not xactly hot yet though but certainly brighter. 

Nothing much happening here at the moment, no podiatry this week and only one parcel expected, my coffee pods from Amazon due tomorrow. Vin is waiting for a parcel which is coming from China, Apparently Hermes do have it somewhere but goodness knows where. Oh well it will arrive sometime, till then he can't use his netbook which s annoying for him as he uses that a lot. 

Jessie was lovely when we got home on Saturday night, she was sat in the doorway miaowing quite loudly in greeting. Aaah!

 One way she wakes Vin up in the morning reaches out with a very gentle paw and strokes his cheek till he moves. Crafty little beggars aren't they?

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