Thursday, 30 September 2021

Thursday is Magazine Day!

On a Thursday Vin goes down for the papers, we get the Mail every day but he also gets my magazines. Every week I get two, the Take a Break and also Chat ones. My  little pleasure for the week they are. I like doing puzzles and I try to convince myself that they are good for the brain. Not so good for the pocket perhaps at £1.10 each but better than buying a pack of fags!

News of the moment. The Covid crisis appears to be slowing for the present but that might be because the papers are tiring of reporting , mostly at present is the fuel problemm or lack of it. Not really that there is a lack of fuel but rather a lack of delivery drivers apparently,  and because of panic buying with people doing stupid things even putting fuel into buckets!!!. Very worrying. Vin has gone off to Tesco this morning with a bit of trepidation because of the queues around the supermarket which has a fuel station nearby. He hasn't rung up though so maybe it is ok.  He didn't go yesterday because he was a bit under the weather so  went today instead. 

Jessie isn't bothered in the least, doesn't worry about covid, doesn't worry about lack of fuel as long as she gets her food and follows her normal routine she if fine thankyou very much!

Not quite fire season yet but won't be long I think, there is a definite cooling of the temperature at the moment.

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