Monday, 1 November 2021


Already it is November, hasn't the year flown by already. Christmas stuff everywhere and the channels are already full of Christmas adverts. Halloween last night but we got no doorbell rings here. might be to do with the fact that it was raining most of the night and very blowy and cold too. Still the same this morning too.Extremely windystill this morning too.

Vin jumped out of bed this morning quite early because he heard a bump at the window, then he looked out and said somebody's cleaning our windows! Went down, waited till he had finished then opened the door to tell the chap it was the wrong house! Thus we got all our front windows cleaned for free this morning. Apparently he had realised anyway, but thanks anyway Mr Window cleaner.

Our Jane has had almost a week off from her work after doing some horrendous shifts four nights in a row then one day off then another four nights again! No wonder she now has a cold , should be back today but she says she couldn't face wearing a mask for an eight hour shift and who could blame her. Tomorrow she has a lady coming to cut Ipsy/s claws. That is quite a hard job with some caats none of them seem to like having it done. Trouble is when they get longer their claws catch up on things and clearly she doesn't want her new furniture damaged. 

Our Jessie wasn't bothered by Halloween, as long as the doorbell doesn't go off she is fine. For some reason she is terrified of the doorbell and will run and hide if it goes off. Even the ones on the television too make her sit up and take notice. 

Who's that ringing at the door?

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