Every scrap of tinsel gone...
Didn't do my blog yesterday because I was engrossed in "Dancing on Ice". Voted for kirky off Coronation Street and he got through so well pleased. he was quite good but needs more confidence. Mind you speaking as someone who has been ice skating but never got off the barriers at the side I can't talk.
Saturday was a normal day, no Christmas stuff and things getting straight again. grey and drizzly in general.
Sunday vin went off to Crosby to get some stuff and again grey and drizzly
Saturday night we had:
green thai curry
1/2 a packet of rice
stir fry vegetables,
Sunday we had:
Pizza again..yum yum. Our tomato sauce,
portobello mushrooms, pineapple pepper for Vin courgette for moi
egg and potato salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and sweet chilli noodle salad for Vin.
Monday dawned..yet again grey and drizzly but not too bad. had to go into crosby to the bank to pay some money in for the Hopusehold account and a Hundred pounds into Jane's account to keep her going. Sainsbury's was really quiet,so we got round very quickly. We had a free half hour parking, and did the banking, and all the shopping in that time, good going really.
Got a lovely letter from John and Ann today, posted on the 4th Jan and arrived on the 9th jan. that's pretty good by anyone's standards. They loved the Downton Abbey DVD, so i must get the Christmas one for them maybe send it to john for his birthday on feb2nd. The motor cycle magazine which vin found in the loft fromj 1955 he really enjoyed, and the funny thing was it was a Christmas issue as well.Sounds like they had a nice christmas, but in her words it is "Stinking hot" there. Can't imagine a boiling hot christmas.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese ande broccoli escalope
Carrots and green beans
Squashed baked baby potatoes.
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