Monday, 18 February 2019


There seems to be a nice little touch of Spring in the air at the moment. The nights are definitely drawing out and Vin was just saying that his lights outside which are on timers will have to be changed to allow for that. At the moment they are coming on a bit early now with it still being light.  Doesn't seem to bother our Jessie though she still wakes up early to get her daddy up to feed her. He said she crawled up him this morning and butted his nose, but he turned over and she went down the bed and went to sleep for a bit. He got up after a while to feed her then because he felt guilty !
Nice day today too it has been quite bright and sunny, the forecasters were right. We stayed in today because we were waiting for a delivery of the injections from Aranesp. Vin gave them a ring early this morning and they tell you roughly when the delivery will be made. This today was between three and five, and in fact just as Vin went into the kitchen to get our baby coffees after lunch he said if the bell goes give me a shout. Just then it did and it was the said delivery. The driver said that the half term hasd saved him about an hour on his day. Must make a big difference. 
This is my cat, because Jessie would never let me pick her up like that!! Jane calls this my dementia cat cheeky girl!!
Here's the other one , the proper one! and it will be time for her creamy treat soon!

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