Thursday, 16 May 2019

Little Outing!

Off out this mrning over to Dobbies. It is ages since we have been there because for some reason we didn't go last month so we were down on a few things. Also we wanted to get our free coffees for the month.and have a bit of a look round. Nice day today too so a good day for going.
Got there about a quarter to twelve which gave us a bit of time for looking round , we were looking for a hanging basket for the front of the house but a lot of them were very expensive, however we did spot some in horrible plastic baskets which were £6 so with the discount would make it around £4.20. I suggested that he got one of those and transferred the plants into our nice wicker ones. That would work.  We went round and spotted some of the things we wanted like cakes to keep us going, and shortbreads ditto.   Then we went for our coffees, Vin had a flavoured Latte and I had my usual flat white. Very nice too, had a breather and watched a few peoplwe going by then went off to do our shopping. Picked up the things n his list, and away home. 
Nice little lunch at home and Vin answered the doorbell to  yet another delivery man with parcels for our neighbour, she is doing well today because she already had one with the postman this morning too.
Little Jessie actually greeted us at the door when we came home, I think problably because she was hngry, or maybe that's being uncharitable! She did give us a nice miaow though.
Hello folks! Did you go out to get me some cream cake? 

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