Monday, 3 June 2019

Podiatry Again!

Up early again this morning and off to podiatry i9n Aintree at eleven o'clock. We got there quite early because the traffic was light, and had a good  journey so we made good time. Waited a short while and then went in to see Rachel. Haven't seen her for a long time but she remembered me from when I had the melanoma on the toe way back quite a long time ago.  She spent an age looking at my notes and the computer but eventually got round to doing the feet. They seem to be doing fine but keep up with the antib's. Grrr.
Because it was getting on for twelve we decided to go to the retail park for a Costa, and it was qquite quiet there too. We went to our usual seats and I had a very nice flat white and for a change so did Vin today too. He normally has a latte with a flavour , I think he likes a larger drink but the flat whites only seem to come in one size. We sat and enjoyed those and chatting then it was time to go home.  Always a nice ittle outing that one. Same again next week maybe?
Sunny day today but quite breezy, it was really breezy outside Costa, for some reason it is always a windy corner, but nice inside in the sunshine.  Jessie was in the front room when we came home, don;t think she had moved at all, but she did get up a bit later to follow her daddy around, probably looking for some biscuits or some such!
Cream cake again today Jessie, your Lord and Master managed to get one yesterday. 

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