Monday, 24 June 2019

Nice Warm Monday!

For a change it is a nice dday again. Lovely after all of the rain we have haqd lately. We haven't been out today, mainly because we are out tomorrow at podiatry, not an early appointment though it is an early afternoon one. At least we don't have to get up early, we don't like those.
  Vin has been doing bits and pieces  this morning, there is clearing up to do after our breakfasts and the papers to get. Today's Express was soaking wet for some reason, must have been out in the rain when they were delivered. He tried drying it out under the bathroom heater but that just made it crispy!!
 The papers are still full of Bad Boris and his argument with his girlfriend, but it seems that the Boris lovers are still behind him so goodeness knows what we will end up with. Did see a photo of Jeremy Corbyns very very large childhood home in the papers, in Shropshire, now he is saying he will tax people with large homes. What a hypocrite! Certainly won't ever vote for him. 
Jessie hasn't been out today, despite the fact that it is nice and sunny. Shame really because there are some lovely sunny spots in the garden. Both our previous cats Bobby and Rusty and Tootsie  also loved going out, Bobby would spend hours by the edge of the fence, and Rusty wouldn't be far away.
In the garden with her daddy. Good News today little Jessie, cream cake today, soyou can have some creamon your plate. 

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