Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Two Days In!

Monday and Tuesday both in. We don't normally go out on a Monday anyway, but Vin didgo off to Formby this morning. He needed to get a hair cut because it was growing over his collar and getting very long.  He hates waiting in a queue so if there is anyone waiting he will go off, and when he rang up he said he'd had it done in Freshfield because there was only one man there and he was going. In the end he got it done really quickly, . He was going off to Tesco to see if they had a lattice pie.
They didn't, but he did get a nice Quorn steak pie for himself. some green beans and a macaroni cheese. Nothing for Jessie, who has been in the front room most of the morning just  appearing at lunchtime for a sit on her daddy's knee, her preferred spot. She doesn't seem to use her basket these days, either goes in the front room or on her daddy.  She came upstaairs to our bedroom last night, and settled on his front. He was tickling her chin and top of her head when she started to go for him, so he said to me do you want to stroke her? No! but I waited a few minutes and then did and she let me, but not for long.
Nice and sunny now really quite bright in the middle room where the computer is, and it is quite warm now.
Is that my cream cake appearing?  Out in the sunshine but keeping an eye on what is going on too!

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