Still all the country under lockdown with little movement in our village anyway. just some cuclists out for an Easter ride i suppose, and Vin say three girls out on their bikes yesterday riding around which is a bit irresponsible unless they are from the same family, but they didn't look like it. You do wonder what their parents are thinking!
Good Fridaytoday but no church services going on because of the lockdown of course. I used to hate Good Friday as a child growng up in a Catholic family, it was all doom and gloom and stations of the Cross and long services. No Maundy Thursday ceremony from the Queen this year either, the maundy Thursday money has apparently been sent out by post this year. Bet she is secretly glad about that!
Boris is out of ICU and is back on a ward but being closely monitored we are told. At least that is an improvement. Vin was out last night clapping for the carers and support workers, and he said pretty much the whole street was out. Our jane wouldn't be since she was on her last of four very demanding night shifts. very proud of you our Jane ! Hope you enjoyed your Easter Egg.
Jessie is back on her lovely red blanket at the moment, sleeping her isolation away. Without a care in the world!
I love these pictures of her, she looks great against the red.
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