Saturday, 30 May 2020


Ooops indeed! A bit of a misunderstnding yesterday which I couldn't do a blog about because it wouldn't let me on the site. A number of sites actually until very much laater in the morning when it was time to go down for our coffees. 
We were up early in preparation for the podiatrist, but we waited and waited and Vin tried ringing the centre but it was engaged. Eventually after hours of waiting he got through to discover we were on the list for Monday. We both seemed to remember a bit of a conversation about changing it to Mondays but it didn't register properly which week it was. Anyway it is for next Monday so it is all on again then. 
Very warm yesterday as it is today, and apparently the beaches are all full again, in this country again anyhow. Scotland and Wales still keeping quite strict rules but people here appear to have made their own minds up and are mixing again. Still the government daily briefings telling us to atay alert, stay home and social distance. Jane quite often goes to her local park which sounds quite a big ne and walks some laps round it, normally chatting to us as she goes for her daily "toddle". Lovely to hear her news.  Vin just saw about thirteen cyclists going through the village on their way to the cycle path, so not sure how it applies to them. 
Jessie has been very good about social distancing, staying n jane's bed out of the way, but just noticed her on the carpet down on the floor, fast asleep and looking very comfy. Not something she usually does at all. 
One peaceful cat!

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