Friday, 6 November 2020

Another Day At The Fun Factory!

Well it is Friday again and really it is the same old same old.  Nothing unexpected today and again nowhere to go since the lockdown number two has begun in our area. 

The USA election runs on as it has been doing for some days now, with Joe Biden looking like the winner so far. he only needs about seventeen votes to get in. trump is jumping up and down throwing his toys out of the pram and threatening to sue for fraud saying there are wrongdoings concerning the postal votes. Don't think he would be saying that if he was winning somehow. What a country, said on the news this morning that they have had 240,000 deaths from the virus but the scenes that are shown portray crowds gathering in thousands to demonstrate and march many not wearing masks. Peculiar country indeed. 

Here the furlough scheme has been extended until next march that will be a year of that. Not sure whether that will help since there are jobs going all over the place. Yesterday Sainsbury's announced they were laying of thousands of jobs, from their stores and closing down some Argos shops to have them within the Sainsbury's shops. Even M&S announced massive losses, and John Lewis also. Our shopping habits as a country appear to have changed completely and there is now a massive turn towards mail order or interner buying. Must say we have done that ourselves, quite a lot of our shopping except for groceries has been done online. 

Jessie is carrying on and keeping calm as usual. Her friend Jack came in the house yesterday and before he could stop him ran upstairs. Vin chased after him and saw them at the top of the stairs, one on the top step and the other outside Jane's room. Not hissing or anything, just looking at each other. Vin reckons she is getting used to him. Mmmm not sure about that, but they weren't fighting or anything.  Firework night last night and there were fireworks going off but she wasn't bothered by those, just doorbells. vey odd !

 Nice little cosy spot.. by a roaring fire!

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