Monday, 16 November 2020

Another Week Rolls Along!

Monday again and another week rolls along. Nothing much doing this week except for a blood test which we are going to have done tomorrow. Also there is a "virtual" appointment on Thursday with the renal dept., not exactly sure what this entails  just go with the flow I suppose. Only trouble is that the blood test is supposed to be done a week before this but they only contacted me on Thursday last so that won't work. Oh well not my fault.
Supposed to be breezy today and rain is forecast but not too bad actually. it was nice not to have to get up with the lark for the podiatry man this morning. We are having a week off this week and he is coming next week so leaving it for two weeks to see how it gets on. Onwards and upwards. 
Covid still proving a big problem the prime minister is again in self isolation because he has been in contact with another member of parliament who has been tested positive.  Jane was saying that yesterday they had an awful lot of covid patients to x-ray so that doesn't look god.  Huge march in Liverpool on Saturday against the lockdown some people just never learn do they!
Jessie is living her little life as normal. She didn't wake her daddy up this morning  he went ddown to feed her when he got up to get acup of tea earlier. Then when he went down to get our coffee she was on the back of his sofa looking out of the window. Wonder what they look at out there, probably the birds flying past.

One of her favourite spots. He did say that he has a chat to her when he went down. She tends to reply with the odd miaow and can be quite vocal. Must be an odd conversation!

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