Monday 25 January 2021

Sunny Monday!

It is looking brighter today but still cold. There was quite a lot of icy hail around yesterday, but today it is looking sunnier and much clearer. As long as the rain keeps off and the flooded fields have a chane to clear. 

Mark the podiatrist came quite early at about ten o'clcock, and was gone in around ten minutes, no sign of Jessie of course she had disappeared when the doorbell went. Probably gone under Jane's bed, but I haven't seen her come out yet. He will be back in two weeks so a respite next week again.  Vin has gone off to Sainsbury's today because he didn't go yesterday for a change. Good to alter your habits, and we had a nice day doing the crosswords in the papers. Lovely log fire in the afternoon, very cosy. One thing Vin is extremely good at is building fires! Not arson type ones but in our fireplace. He gets a great blaze going in just a few minutes. 

Jessie likes her warmth, she was in front of the heater in the extension this morning after she had woken her Daddy up stupid o'clock for some food. However she went off when the doorbell went, probably back there now the coast is clear. 

 Her very favourite spot though, next to her daddy on her blanky which Jane bought for her last Christmas.

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