Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Grey Day!

Grey day weatherwise and also the day for the grey bin to go round for the men tomorrow. Alternate bins, grey one week brown for the recycling the next. green bins whenever. 

New strain of the virus appearing called the South Africa one, quite an aggressive one by the sound of it, mostly down southern areas of the country but there is one in Southport a bit close to home. Advice is as usual to stay home and not go out except for essential needs.  I got my letter about the vaccine on  Saturday but we have decided to wait a little while to see if Vin gets one before we go into making the appointment. 

Just had phone call from Mark the podiatrist to say he is off on Monday his due day so he is coming on Friday morning instead, not early about twelve o'clock, at least we don't have to get up early which is a bonus.

Little Jessie woke her Daddy up this morning not too early, so he went down for our coffee then and got going.  She is a good little alarm clock!

She sits by the side of the bed and miaows, until he gets up. He was saying she gets going when she hears him put his glasses on he thinks that is really clever. Aaah!!

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