Monday, 17 May 2021


We lost one of our neighbours last Friday. He lived next door but one to us and was a lovely man who sadly passed away with bowel cancer. He had been diagnosed with it last year and had a variety of treatments but sadly passed away on Friday. 

Today was our Mark day and he came ths morning, Jessie was downstairs but did her usual running up the stairs as soon as the doorbell went. he was a bit later than usual came at around 10.30 instead of nine thirty but he must have been busy. He has packed the toe which is refusing to heal over properly and will be back next week. We had been down to every fortnight so one step back a bit. Jessie get ready for next Monday! He had a bit of sad news too, he had had to have his old dog put down last week and that was very sad for that family. Apparently they had him for 14 years which is a big part of your life. 

Some easing of the lockdown rules today, hospitality centres can open for meals inside, and other establishments can open for business.  Notice there was an email from Dobbies to say their cafe is open again for coffees etc., so maybe one day we will venture out, although it is still around this pesky virus ,not gone away completely  at all. The one that is the worry now is the Indian varient which is causing the most trouble. 

Jane is getting her little house together bit by bit. She got a mattress for thelittle single bed delivered on Saturday so if necessary she could always sleep there. All of her things are over there now, including her television and bookcase, clothes etc., and she is getting furniture delivered later on this month. Think she is planning for us to go over on the 5th of June which will be lovely, her daddy can take some of his tools and do things like hang some of her nice pictures for her. Can't wait to see her house. 

Jessie is still under the bed which is unusual because she has normally come out by now, once Mark has gone she reappears. Doesn't like to be away from her daddy for too long!

 Where is he? I might want feeding again!

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