Sunday, 17 February 2008

Crossword Sunday.

Had quite a busy day today, we made a lovely Soy and Linseed loaf this morning. Used a Lauke bread mix, mainly because we have run out of strong white bread flour. Excellent bread mixes, turn out beautifully every time.
We also did a pizza dough too in the bread machine, which is really billowy nad silky looking.
Then I did the roast vegetables for the pizza topping, so quite a busy day.
Did the crosswords in good time. The mail on sunday one was a bit hard to get going, a tricky proverb which was difficult to get but we got there in the end. A couple of fairly hard ones on the big daily mail one and one or two to finish after.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with roast vegetables,
Tomato sauce topping,
Salad with potato and egg,
Nice to be back to normal eh!

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