Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Day In..

Stayed in today,didn't go out anywhere maybe tomorrow. VT did some sorting out...good for him..and I messed about on the computer. Played a bit of Bookworm this afternoon, managed to get to 100,000 before I got fed up with it and let the red square go to the bottom.
Wet and windy for most of the day today, and am wearing a sweatshirt. VT is in a shortsleeved shirt, he must be frozen, but he says he isn't feeling the cold. I do..always have done, never been warm except when in Florida!
The little cats are quiet today too, they tend not to go out when the weather is dodgy, but stay in, either on or under the beds. Best place.
The Olympics is proving to be very successful this year, a lot of the "Team GB" are getting medals, particularly the cycling and the rowing. Excellent results for a change.
Maybe go out tomorrow somewhere if the weather picks up a bit.
Tonight we are having:
Not sure really..possibly Sausages,
Mashed potatoes 8oz,
vegetables of a mixed kind, carrots beans and peas.

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