Wednesday 6 September 2017

Change of Plan!

This morning when we woke up neither of us was fired up enough to want to go out anywhere, so we didn't. !  We stayed in instead. Vin said he had plenty of things to do and I wanted to have a go at a letter to John and Ann so we stopped here. 
It is a funny sort of day actually a bit sunnyish and a lot overcast and also blowy, so Vin decided to wash his coat  and get it on the line to blow and dry. At least the rain has kept off , and it has blown dry beautifully. He did a load of ironing too,cheifly the bedding that was washed the other day. What a busy boy. XXXX
Little Jessie didn't wake him up this morning as she often does, probably because the sun isn't shining through the window and waking her.  He fed her when he went down to get our morning coffee then she  had a bit of a run round and went in her basket later on and stayed there most of the morning till just about now and he came up before and said she had just been up for food. 

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