Thursday 28 September 2017

Stop Ins !

Stayed in yesterday and today, didn't really want to go out anywhere. Vin went out to Sainsbury's yesterday to get some things we had run out of and came back with a bag full. Also some plants that he got from a stall in a little market set up in Crosby village centre. Nice little Viola's which should last all Winter hopefully. 
Today we both stayed in primarily because we are out tomorrow to the Podiatry clinic. Not a very early morning one though but afternoon. They vary such a lot the appointments, the only ones we don't like too much are the early morning ones especially two in one week, we end up dozing off in the afternoon!! old fogies that we are !! 

Little Jessie of course dozes all day. She tends to wake up very very early usually at first light, then gets fed and finds a nice spot to go to sleep in. She has her basket in the front room, one in the middle room, and lately she has taken to going on Jane's bed upstairs which she won't like when she comes home.She is heavy too, but.. she doesn't go on me only on Vin. Her adored Daddy. :) 
Funny she is often to be found in her basket, but head flopped over the edge and legs over the other side, as if there isn't  enough room, but there is!

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