Monday 13 November 2017

Monday Mornings!

Nothing much doing at all today, very quiet all round. The weekend was a nice normal one with our usual routine followed, crosswords on Sunday etc. Always enjoy those on the Sunday, we do three of them, one from the You magazine, one from the Sunday Express magazine and the final one from the Mail on Sunday paper. This is a big one which is general knowledge and we do that together, unless Vin gets his mitts on it first and zips through it! He is very competitive and always rushes to answer questions, whether it is Mastermind, or University Challenge or anything quizzy! He gets loads right too.
Little Jessie meanwhile just carries on as she usually does. She has developed her own little routine which involves being round her Daddy. Hard to believe that we will have had her for a whole year. She still won't sit on my knee either! Oh well she is quite happy with sitting on his.
To be found most of the day, when she isn't after her daddy for a feed!

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