Friday 17 August 2018

Ding Dong!

Just getting up and ready this morning, and I was in the bathroom when ding dong the doorbell went. I thought oops it is the Marmite that Jane had ordered but it was Michelle from down  the road who asked Vin if he would look after her cat while she was away for the weekend. Apparently her sister usually does it but she is ill at the moment so I think Vin was the last resort. He has looked after her before so he does know her. 
We were going to go out today but in the end neither of was fired up enough so we didn't bother the weather is very dodgy too has been drizzly rain off and on also quite blowy so we just didn't bother. It is now very grey and overcast so looks horrible out. 
Jessie has not been out much today at all. She has been mooching about following Vin around. She did sit on his knee at lunchtime  and looked lovely till she started nipping at him. Of course he says she is only playing, that cat can do no wrong!
She seems to have gone off this basket which she used to use all the time. He has a spare in the back of his car maybe that would be more comfy. 

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