Friday, 30 October 2020


Vin has taken himself off to Dobbies this morning, mainly because he has vouchers that he wants to use before they run out.  He is armed with a list of the things that we usually buy from there and have run out of anyway. He has just rung up to say he is there so we shall see how he gets on. He says that he is going to spy out the lay of the land so to speak for maybe a visit later on. it is an absolute age since we have been there, we generally used to go each month to get our free coffees and would generally spend about twenty pounds or so while we were there.  Wonder how much he will spend today. 

Jane went ack to work last night after her eye op last Thursday so she had a week or so to recover. Hope it all went well for her. She always rings up before she goes, and said that she had booked a survey for the house she is hoping to buy  in Heaton Mersey. So things appear to be moving in the right direction there. fingers crossed!

It is a hge step forward though and she has never got as far as that before so do hope it goes well.

 Spot the catty! It gets you on the way up or failing that it will get you on the way down!

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

mID-wEEK aGAIN!She didn't do a running away thing this morning because Vin was at the door ready for the arrival of the parcel. She still hates the doorbell so if he can get there before it rings the better. Aaah poor little cat, wonder what it is about doorbells. Speaking about poor little cats, a little one has gone missing from the house next to where jane lives has gone astray. he is called Beau and Jane thinks he is lovely, she often said how he would walk alongside her and rub her ankles. Very fluffy tabby cat, hope he comes back soon but it has been a week now. We had a beautiful cat called Rusty who once went missing for a month, we used to go out every evening looking for her and it appeared that we must have been

Wednesday again! How the weeks are flying past, and still not much of a sign f any ease in the lockdown much.A lot of people disobeying the rules judging by the photos in the papers, but also a lot of people staying in to avoid going out to avoid crowds or being with groups of people. Very wise!

Vin has gone off to Tesco this morning after getting up earlyish to be ready for a parcel arriving from Joh lewis. It is a bauble for the bauble swap I do each year with the Delia  group. Not as many doing it as there used to be but I like the bauble swap, we have a tree in the extension which has all of mine on it and I always enjoy looking at them. Mine is off to Australia this year a lady who lives in Sydney so it will be winging its way there soon. 

He has gone off to Tesco armed with his list, no doubt that Jessies things are on the top of it! 

There is a little cat missing from the house next door to where our Jane lives it is a fluffy tabby one who she often saw when coming home from a shift. It would rub her ankles and follow her. Hope he turns up soon, he is chipped so that is good. Come home Beau.  Don't think our Jessie would ever go missing she likes her home and her Daddy too much! She is mostly a house cat anyway really.

No I aint going anywhere.  Like my home comforts too much!

Monday, 26 October 2020

And Another Week!

Begins! Monday brings the visit from my podiatry man  mark who is trying hard to fix the offending toe which seems to be going on forever.  Anyway that was redressed and with another dressing on it so ready to go. See you again next week he says and off he goes. 

Jane is recovering slowly from her eye operation last Thursday. At first she was suffering from a bad sore throat which is very uncomfortable also from the eye which was sore. The photos she sent showed a bloodshot eye but it is Vin thinks looking a tiny bit better each day.  She is eating a bit better now though and even ordered an Indian takeaway the other night for a decent meal because she was hungry. She loves her food does our Jaane :)

Jessie  did her usual disappearing act when mark pressed the doorbell, and is currently residing under jane's bed in the middleroom where she feels safe.  Iwas descending the stairs as she was racing up them. Not quite collided but my word she can't half run when she wants to!!

 Love this ne of the two of them. Jessie up close and personal with her best friend!!

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Thursday Op Day!

Not for me for a change but today it is our Jane who is having an operation on her eye. She has had problems with it for years and two lots of botox on it byut they didn't work. She was wearing a prism on her glass which was supposed to help but didn't so the next level was an op to correct a muscle that was causing the problem.  Today is the day for it, and she has just rung up at a quarter past eleven before going in for eleven thirty. 

She had been on pins this week firstly because she had a Covid test on Monday so she was waiting for the result of that which came back yesterday afternoon as negative so that was fine to go ahead. Then there was the trouble over Manchester because they were in talks about going into lockdown so that would have had an effect. Possibly with elective operations cancelled etc., thankfully it isn't starting till tomorrow so that was good timing and a good bit of luck for her. 

Enjoy your sleep Jane one thing is you do get a good sleep under the anaesthetic.!

Horrible weather today, Vin said it was pouring down and also blowy when he went down for the papers, also it i getting quite cool now but it is going on to the middle end of October so not surprising really. 

Jessie woke her Daddy up at some ungodly hour this morning and balancedon his body while he carried on sleeping. he said she was there for about an hour.  There's loyalty for you! Then she jumped off and went away only to return later to wake him up properly. not soft that cat!!

He wakes up to see this face looking at him  just before she jumps off again! 

Tuesday, 20 October 2020


 Tuesday again and still arguments over the Covid lockdown. Big time arguments in manchester over going or not into tier three of manchester like Liverpool. We here are in the highest tier,  the Pub/kitchen over the road is closed for two weeks, again, but everything else seems to be going in the village. 

We are just staying in out of the way really, as we have been doing all year, who would ever have thought at the beginning of the year it would still be going on. Most thought once the first wave had passed it would be back to normal but it seems we are having a second wave which is causing trouble.  Jane in Manchester is on tenterhooks because she is having an eye op on Thursday  and has had the pre=op and went yesterday for the swab, so is nw waiting to see what happens.

Nothing going on here today, village is quiet, oh forgot today is putting out bins day, that is going on! Wow an event!

Jessie is still living her life as usual  she loves the box that Vin cut holes in for her to play with, and was asleep in that for ages last night as we were watching television  with her tail poking out of one end. looked lovely!

Jessie on the prowl!!

Thursday, 15 October 2020

All Growed Up!

Our Jane is now all growed up! she has finally after a lot of searching bought herself a house! Well done Jane. it is a really nice semi-detached in the same avenue that she had viewed a house just before christmas and was heartbroken abut just missing out on. This one is The opposite that one, with three bedrooms, off road parking and a nice manageable garden.  Hope this ne goes smoothly for her. 

She was on nights last night so won't be ringing for a while anyway, and tomorrow she is planning to go into town to get her hair cut she is having a procedure done on her eye on Thursday, for which she had had the pre-op and is hoping that it will go ahead as planned. 

The Covid still seems to be raising its ugly head again with large areas of the country once again in a form of lockdown. liverpool is one, but after seeing the videos of the crowds on the middle of the city centre on monday night revelling and crowding it isn't surprising. Also london has notched up a gear and it looks like manchester will be following soon. The nightinglae hospital has been put on alert again from the 26th Oct  because of the rising numbers. It is all very confusing with different areas in the different levels or tiers as they call them. 

 Meanwhile back at the ranchlife goes on for our jessie. As long as she is shopped for, watered and has her daddy she is very happy!

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Yesterday was quite a busy day for us. up early to  be ready for Mark the podiatry man who came at around a quarter to ten and out by about a quarter pastish. He is very efficient, vary pleasant and in and out and done nice and quickly. then it was get ready for an appointment at Aintree at the Haemotology clinic . This was a refferal from the renal clinic after some blood test that i had done which showed the levels of haemoglobin were low and they were wondering why. 

Clinic is at the back of the hospital in the rear of the car park so Vin dropped me off and we went to book in. he left me there  and went to park the car. Not easy, no spaces so he had to go further away, then he joined me again. We seemed to wait ages then eventually went in to see the Dr., he took many details, asked a lot of questions and did suggest a bone marrow teast to see what is going on with the bone marrow. Trouble with that is that they cannot do anything even if they did find something he said so we said we would wait and see what happens.   Apparently in some people the levels fluctuate anyway so we thought that was the best plan. Just leave alone and wait! Home by about one o'clock and had a lovely cup of coffee that Vin got ready. 

Other exciting news yesterday was that our Jane has put an offer in on a house she went to see on Sunday. It is opposite the one that she really wanted before Christmas but didn't get. This one has the advantage of an extra bedroom with a bathroom downstairs but does have a toilet upstairs so that is good. I think it is a lovely little house on at £230,000 which is within her budget, so fingers crossed at the moment. She is in a good position because she is a first time buyer with no chain so that is good for the seller. Hope she gets this one she has saved so hard, worked all hours to get overtime to save, and she deserves it. Fingers crossed and all the toes I have left crossed too. 

Mark the podiatry man did get a quick glimpse of our Jessie when he arrived, the doorbell didn't go but as soon as she heard the voices in the hall she sprung down fromthe sofa and scooted off upstairs to her usual safe place under jane's bed. !

I'll come out later when it is nice and safe!

Thursday, 8 October 2020


Very odd today, I keep thinkng it is a different day suppose it is because of going out on Tuesday and the podiatry man on Monday. highlight of our week these days really. Sad isn't it. We don't really wfeel like going out anywhere because of this dratted virus. Curtailed our little trips to Dobbies and to Costa, used to like those but it is all so different these days. Social distancing, nobody really to watch in the cafes and everyone in those dreaded masks. Do not know how on earth our jane wears them all day I've had enugh after about an hour. Terrible for steaming up the glasses!

Tuesday was a trip to litherland to get the blood test done which ended up fine actually so no trouble. Too early to go aanywhere else afterwardsso came home for our coffee from the trusty Tassimo machine. What a good system that is, I normally have a skinny Macchiato and Vin varies what he has, sometimes a chai latte sometimes an Americano and sometimes a flavoured latte. He likes the ne with caramel or maybe a hazelnut. Not for me really, but he loves them.

Just heard on the news that a record number of baby bats have had to be rescued from falling out of their roosts because of the warmer climate apparently. they try to get out of the roost to get cooler and are not ready so fall out and so need rescuing.! think it is a slow news day!!

Our Jessie doesn't need rescuing, she leads a very normal and quiet existence really. As long as she has her food and her nice safe places she is very happy.

Look at me all nice and comfy safe and warm. What more could a nice little catty want? 

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Up Early Again!

Up early again today like yesterday, this time for a blood test at litherland. Vin decided to ring up to see if we were booked in since the last time we went they had no trace of us. same again apparently according to the person he spoke to, but we decided to go anyway and it appeared that we were ok.  Sat and waited round the corner and the lovely lady called me in.  All done and finished in a few minutes, and on our way home. 

Drew up outside the house and  there was a van outside with a delivery for us from Bullens, strange because we had a phone call from them yesterday they had not got the prescription  so did not leave a delivery time. yet there it was today. The delivery man had left them over the road at the pharmacy, so Vin went over to collect it. We got back in the house to find our Jessie at the top of the stairs looking worried. it is the doorbell effect, she clearly had run up out of the way. Aaah poor little thing, don't know what she is worried about nobody chases her or gets at her in any way whatsoever, her Daddy wouldn't let them! Still she runs off. 

Awful weather today, very dark when we woke up and overcast. now it is absolutely pouring down and very wet indeed.  The poor blokes who have been working on the scaffolding next door had arrived to take it all down, just about got it done before it really started raining badly.  The little man who is doing the fence between us and next door isn't there today. No wonder.

 Don't  think it will be long before the fire will be going again jessie. Definitely a change in the weather, we noticed the fields on the way to litherland very flooded and soggy looking, and reports of flooding all over the country on the trffic  reports. keep out of the wet jessie!

Monday, 5 October 2020

Busyish Monday!

Up early as usual this morning because the podiatry man generally comes early at about half past nine. He was a bit later today and didn't come till about  half past ten, but he works quickly as normal, and was off by eleven. 

Our front fence is being painted by a little man arranged by our neighbour whose fence it is. A wrought iron fence between our front gardens, and he is at the moment scraping down the old paint.  next week we have an appointment on the monday morning at Aintree for the haemotology unit which is a referral from the renal people about my blood levels.  No idea what that is about really but we shall see when we get there.

Tomorrow we have another appointment for a repeat blood test at Litherland town hall from the surgery over the road.  Wish people would leave me alone really but there we are. 

Jessie of course did her usual disappearing act under our jane's bed right over in the corner, and despite having the radio on I don't think she has moved yet. Funny that, she doesn't like the doorbell or the vacuum but  doesn't mind the radio or television unless of course there is a doorbell on it.

Was that a doorbell I heard? If it was i amoff! 

Friday, 2 October 2020

Vin Vac !

Vin went off for his flu jab this morning at a quarter past ten. not a long way to go only over the road to the chemist, who is now doing the fly vaccinations from his pharmacy. He was back fairly qui8ckly having had it done and having had to stay for five minutes afterwards because sometimes people have a reaction to it.  He doesn't so he came back when he got the all clear. Full of information about the vaccine that is used.  Apparently it is egg based so if you are allergic to eggs you cannot have it. Wonder if they have a vegan type one?

He also rang up about my blood test at Litherland town hall, that is arranged for Tuesday morning and he is to collect the form this afternoon. 

This afternoon also our Jane has an interview with the mortgage advisor in manchester, arranged by the estate agent who will not allow a viewing unless you do that. very odd but maybe it is a way of weeding out people who cannot afford the payments etc., that is at four o'clock so i hope that goes well for her. She has seen a nice house that is on the same road as the one she had viewed before Christmas but just missedout on because her offer was lower than the one she offered.  buying a house seems to be a minefield, hope this one goes well and she can get her catty!

 Jessie is enjoying peace and quiet at the moment. She doesn't go out visiting and is mainly self-isolating near to where her Daddy is.