Friday, 30 October 2020


Vin has taken himself off to Dobbies this morning, mainly because he has vouchers that he wants to use before they run out.  He is armed with a list of the things that we usually buy from there and have run out of anyway. He has just rung up to say he is there so we shall see how he gets on. He says that he is going to spy out the lay of the land so to speak for maybe a visit later on. it is an absolute age since we have been there, we generally used to go each month to get our free coffees and would generally spend about twenty pounds or so while we were there.  Wonder how much he will spend today. 

Jane went ack to work last night after her eye op last Thursday so she had a week or so to recover. Hope it all went well for her. She always rings up before she goes, and said that she had booked a survey for the house she is hoping to buy  in Heaton Mersey. So things appear to be moving in the right direction there. fingers crossed!

It is a hge step forward though and she has never got as far as that before so do hope it goes well.

 Spot the catty! It gets you on the way up or failing that it will get you on the way down!

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