Friday, 2 October 2020

Vin Vac !

Vin went off for his flu jab this morning at a quarter past ten. not a long way to go only over the road to the chemist, who is now doing the fly vaccinations from his pharmacy. He was back fairly qui8ckly having had it done and having had to stay for five minutes afterwards because sometimes people have a reaction to it.  He doesn't so he came back when he got the all clear. Full of information about the vaccine that is used.  Apparently it is egg based so if you are allergic to eggs you cannot have it. Wonder if they have a vegan type one?

He also rang up about my blood test at Litherland town hall, that is arranged for Tuesday morning and he is to collect the form this afternoon. 

This afternoon also our Jane has an interview with the mortgage advisor in manchester, arranged by the estate agent who will not allow a viewing unless you do that. very odd but maybe it is a way of weeding out people who cannot afford the payments etc., that is at four o'clock so i hope that goes well for her. She has seen a nice house that is on the same road as the one she had viewed before Christmas but just missedout on because her offer was lower than the one she offered.  buying a house seems to be a minefield, hope this one goes well and she can get her catty!

 Jessie is enjoying peace and quiet at the moment. She doesn't go out visiting and is mainly self-isolating near to where her Daddy is.

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