Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Yesterday was quite a busy day for us. up early to  be ready for Mark the podiatry man who came at around a quarter to ten and out by about a quarter pastish. He is very efficient, vary pleasant and in and out and done nice and quickly. then it was get ready for an appointment at Aintree at the Haemotology clinic . This was a refferal from the renal clinic after some blood test that i had done which showed the levels of haemoglobin were low and they were wondering why. 

Clinic is at the back of the hospital in the rear of the car park so Vin dropped me off and we went to book in. he left me there  and went to park the car. Not easy, no spaces so he had to go further away, then he joined me again. We seemed to wait ages then eventually went in to see the Dr., he took many details, asked a lot of questions and did suggest a bone marrow teast to see what is going on with the bone marrow. Trouble with that is that they cannot do anything even if they did find something he said so we said we would wait and see what happens.   Apparently in some people the levels fluctuate anyway so we thought that was the best plan. Just leave alone and wait! Home by about one o'clock and had a lovely cup of coffee that Vin got ready. 

Other exciting news yesterday was that our Jane has put an offer in on a house she went to see on Sunday. It is opposite the one that she really wanted before Christmas but didn't get. This one has the advantage of an extra bedroom with a bathroom downstairs but does have a toilet upstairs so that is good. I think it is a lovely little house on at £230,000 which is within her budget, so fingers crossed at the moment. She is in a good position because she is a first time buyer with no chain so that is good for the seller. Hope she gets this one she has saved so hard, worked all hours to get overtime to save, and she deserves it. Fingers crossed and all the toes I have left crossed too. 

Mark the podiatry man did get a quick glimpse of our Jessie when he arrived, the doorbell didn't go but as soon as she heard the voices in the hall she sprung down fromthe sofa and scooted off upstairs to her usual safe place under jane's bed. !

I'll come out later when it is nice and safe!

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