Spent a nice morning looking at our papers and all the coverage of the Wedding. No doubt about the fact that they are a very photogenic couple,and pictures of the kiss on the covers of most papers this morning. Lots of interesting details, about how the dress was made, and where and the shoes, earrings etc. Top to bottom analysis really. Plus photos of the guests, some flaattering some not so. Poor Victoria Beckham was blasted for being too funerial, and David for having his OBE medal on the wrong side! Get a life as the saying goes..does it matter. All in all a lot of acclaim for the event, with the dress coming in for particular praise, even from Liz Jones in the Mail. Did think Sam Cam looked a bit drab, even if it was a Burberry dress, and no hat..who doesn't wear a hat to an important wedding? Perhaps she was too busy getting the Downing Street Street Party underway!
Nice sunny day today so we sat out this afternoon for a while. VT has got the garden looking really nice at the moment, and the Spireas have come up a treat despite the cold weather in the Winter.
We were discussing the Bank Holidays and how this year they have been a bit of a mess especially round about now. My mum's birthday was April 4th, and that was always round about Easter, as indeed it is next year too.
Bank Holidays for 2012.
New Year's Day Holiday January 2
Good Friday April 6
Easter Monday April 9
Early May Bank Holiday May 7
Spring Bank Holiday June 4
Diamond Jubilee Holiday June 5
Summer Bank Holiday August 27
Christmas Day December 25
Boxing Day December 26
There is an extra one for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
So Easter next year is at least a bit more normal.
Tonight we are having:
Quorn dippers with
1/2 a packet of rice
Stir fried vegetables
Pepper for VT
Sauce from the cupboaard.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
Friday, 29 April 2011
Spent a lovely morning along with I suspect millions of others watching the Royal Wedding today. Started quite early with all the preparations, people arriving and watching the outfits etc.,
What a parade of hats! some absolutely outrageous and some just classic, but all a bit special. Princes William and Harry looked suitable handsome in their uniforms, then the bridal party arrived. She was just totally stunning. The dress was gorgeous, along the Grace Kelly lines, simple, elegant and very stylish.Ivory and white satin with a lot of hand made lace used on the bodice and sleeves.A beautiful train and tiara lent by the Queen.Excellent choice. The little bridesmaids looked sweet, and the little page boys full of fun. Bride's sister was in a full length simple fitted dress which was again elegant.
Watched the crowds walking up the Mall and then surging in front of Buckingham Palace, caught a bit of Fox News where the American reporters were discussing how well the crowds were being managed by the "unarmed" police. I do have to say, that when britain does pomp and ceremony it does it very well. Everything seemed to go by clockwork, timed to the last minute,Well done Britain.
Just heard on the news that the couple have left the reception for a while with Prince William driving his fathers vintage Aston Martin with balloons tied to the back, and just wed written on the window. Well good luck to them..his mother would have been very proud, he is a credit to her.
Thoroughly enjoyed the day so far. It will be interesting to see what the fashion police say about the outfits tomorrow.
That's all we have done today really.
Tonight we are having:
Pasties from Waitrose
Rice puddings from Waitrose.
What a parade of hats! some absolutely outrageous and some just classic, but all a bit special. Princes William and Harry looked suitable handsome in their uniforms, then the bridal party arrived. She was just totally stunning. The dress was gorgeous, along the Grace Kelly lines, simple, elegant and very stylish.Ivory and white satin with a lot of hand made lace used on the bodice and sleeves.A beautiful train and tiara lent by the Queen.Excellent choice. The little bridesmaids looked sweet, and the little page boys full of fun. Bride's sister was in a full length simple fitted dress which was again elegant.
Watched the crowds walking up the Mall and then surging in front of Buckingham Palace, caught a bit of Fox News where the American reporters were discussing how well the crowds were being managed by the "unarmed" police. I do have to say, that when britain does pomp and ceremony it does it very well. Everything seemed to go by clockwork, timed to the last minute,Well done Britain.
Just heard on the news that the couple have left the reception for a while with Prince William driving his fathers vintage Aston Martin with balloons tied to the back, and just wed written on the window. Well good luck to them..his mother would have been very proud, he is a credit to her.
Thoroughly enjoyed the day so far. It will be interesting to see what the fashion police say about the outfits tomorrow.
That's all we have done today really.
Tonight we are having:
Pasties from Waitrose
Rice puddings from Waitrose.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Is It Friday? Not Quite...
Bit of a topsy turvy week this week due to the bank holidays etc..and of course The Royal Wedding tomorrow.
We decided to go and get some things today instead of tomorrow as we usually do, so we went to Waitrose. Seems that the world and his wife had the same idea because the car park was heaving. it is quite a big car park too, and we went up and down the aisles to no avail and eventually got to the out road, so had to go all the way round the block again.Anyway the second time lucky because we parked right outside the entrance..couldn't be nearer.Very busy, it seems that everyone was getting ready for a day in tomorrow. Well that's what we did so we can't complain. Whizzed round there, and were very restrained in our buyi g really, it is an expensive shop, and it is easy to get carried away. Stowed the stuyff in the back of the car, and went from there to the garden centre at Ince for our coffees for the April month. Very quiet in there, I think they were all in Waitrose!. Last time we went there, last week, you coudn't move, and there were no tables. today, totally different. Really pleasant, and at least you could have a conversation. One of the trouble with being deaf, is that in a crowded situation, you just cant hear, so it is really difficult for the person you are with. VT has the patience of a saint, and he must get very exasperated sometimes..I know I would!
We had a look around the outside garden centre after that. He is on the lookout for some plants to go into two little blue pots that we have on either side of the garden steps. Spotted two lovely little lavender bushes, so got those.He had a £5 voucher too so they were a bargain.He is out planting those as I type. I had a good look round the gift shop and got some note cards to put in with Ann's birthday things in May. Really good gift centre, full of desirable things. We were talking about garden centres, and how they have been transformed in recent years. This one started out as a smallish family set up, which like Topsy just growed. The owners built a newly designed house next door, and got a decent restaurant going. Then sold it to a big firm..Klondyke..and I note their house next door is also for sale. Should have a good gaarden anyway! Bet they are worth a few bob now.
So a very pleasant morning today..only trouble is I keep thinking that it is Friday now.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic cheesey kiev,
The remaining jersey royals
Steamed carrot, butternut squash and asparagus,
Cranberry sauce.
We decided to go and get some things today instead of tomorrow as we usually do, so we went to Waitrose. Seems that the world and his wife had the same idea because the car park was heaving. it is quite a big car park too, and we went up and down the aisles to no avail and eventually got to the out road, so had to go all the way round the block again.Anyway the second time lucky because we parked right outside the entrance..couldn't be nearer.Very busy, it seems that everyone was getting ready for a day in tomorrow. Well that's what we did so we can't complain. Whizzed round there, and were very restrained in our buyi g really, it is an expensive shop, and it is easy to get carried away. Stowed the stuyff in the back of the car, and went from there to the garden centre at Ince for our coffees for the April month. Very quiet in there, I think they were all in Waitrose!. Last time we went there, last week, you coudn't move, and there were no tables. today, totally different. Really pleasant, and at least you could have a conversation. One of the trouble with being deaf, is that in a crowded situation, you just cant hear, so it is really difficult for the person you are with. VT has the patience of a saint, and he must get very exasperated sometimes..I know I would!
We had a look around the outside garden centre after that. He is on the lookout for some plants to go into two little blue pots that we have on either side of the garden steps. Spotted two lovely little lavender bushes, so got those.He had a £5 voucher too so they were a bargain.He is out planting those as I type. I had a good look round the gift shop and got some note cards to put in with Ann's birthday things in May. Really good gift centre, full of desirable things. We were talking about garden centres, and how they have been transformed in recent years. This one started out as a smallish family set up, which like Topsy just growed. The owners built a newly designed house next door, and got a decent restaurant going. Then sold it to a big firm..Klondyke..and I note their house next door is also for sale. Should have a good gaarden anyway! Bet they are worth a few bob now.
So a very pleasant morning today..only trouble is I keep thinking that it is Friday now.
Tonight we are having:
Garlic cheesey kiev,
The remaining jersey royals
Steamed carrot, butternut squash and asparagus,
Cranberry sauce.
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Stop Ins..
Well we were going to go out today, but decided to stop in instead. No particular reason just the whim of the day. I did a pile of ironing, and VT did some vacuuming in the extension. Then we sorted out accumulated magazines and papers for the recycling place. It's amazing how they collect. I tend to read them quickly and then discard, but VT goes through them more carefully, the papers that is, and reads the articles in more detail.
Very quiet day today really, one of those days when there is little or no news, apart from the Royal Wedding. I bet poor Kate Middleton isn't having a quiet day, she is probbably run off her feet. I did see a picture in the Dailty Mail where they were installing an "avenue" of trees along the aisle of the Abbey. Rows of twinkling fairy lights perhaps? All will be clear on Friday. There was an article about all the royal wedding dresses in recent years. Quite interesting, to see how the fashions have changed over the years too. Sarah fergusons dress looked nice with embroidery of their names on the train, but that marriage didn't exactly last long did it. They called Diana's dress "iconic" and I suppose it was, just that I can remember the creases as she stepped out of the carriage. Beautifully made though.
Quite sunny again today, boding well for Friday, nobody wants rain on a wedding. Poured on mine, but hey we are still together 30odd years later.
Tonight we are having:
Green Thai curry made with quorn pieces and mushrooms
1/2 a packet of rice
Green vegetables.
Very quiet day today really, one of those days when there is little or no news, apart from the Royal Wedding. I bet poor Kate Middleton isn't having a quiet day, she is probbably run off her feet. I did see a picture in the Dailty Mail where they were installing an "avenue" of trees along the aisle of the Abbey. Rows of twinkling fairy lights perhaps? All will be clear on Friday. There was an article about all the royal wedding dresses in recent years. Quite interesting, to see how the fashions have changed over the years too. Sarah fergusons dress looked nice with embroidery of their names on the train, but that marriage didn't exactly last long did it. They called Diana's dress "iconic" and I suppose it was, just that I can remember the creases as she stepped out of the carriage. Beautifully made though.
Quite sunny again today, boding well for Friday, nobody wants rain on a wedding. Poured on mine, but hey we are still together 30odd years later.
Tonight we are having:
Green Thai curry made with quorn pieces and mushrooms
1/2 a packet of rice
Green vegetables.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Decidedly Cooler..
What a difference in a few days. No sunshine today, and the odd drizzle and raindrop around, with a cooling breeze.
Makes such a difference, I have actually put the small heater on again this afternoon..but then I do feel the cold for some reason.
We went out this morning to Dobbies. The idea was to get some plants for a couple of pots that we have, but didn't actually see anything we fancied. Maybe it is too early yet. Plenty of geraniums and pansies but not a lot else. Perhaps wait a couple of weeks. Anyway we got our coffee for the month, VT gave one vouvher in and asked for two coffees one with a shot of hazelnut, and was charged 15p. so that was the bargain of the month.We take our own biscuits and find a nice quiet spot, and there we sit..very pleasant. Mingebags Jane would say!
Bought some more after dinner mints, and resisted a half price Simnel cake..think9ing of the calories.
Not a lot going on here and it is really quiet with the kids back, for a few days anyway.No kids running round either, mostly coyuples..not running round though!
Watched "The suspicions of Mr Whicher" last night and really enjoyed that. Very well done. VT was very interested in it, having read the book about twice so far. He got a copy of it for 49p from the charity shop, and it was one of those books he was reading in bed, and kept reading me bits of it, or telling me what was going on. He does that every now and then with certain books. He said it was very true to the book and the characters were as he imagined them.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer, probably an escalope
Baby Jersey Royals
Green veggies
Makes such a difference, I have actually put the small heater on again this afternoon..but then I do feel the cold for some reason.
We went out this morning to Dobbies. The idea was to get some plants for a couple of pots that we have, but didn't actually see anything we fancied. Maybe it is too early yet. Plenty of geraniums and pansies but not a lot else. Perhaps wait a couple of weeks. Anyway we got our coffee for the month, VT gave one vouvher in and asked for two coffees one with a shot of hazelnut, and was charged 15p. so that was the bargain of the month.We take our own biscuits and find a nice quiet spot, and there we sit..very pleasant. Mingebags Jane would say!
Bought some more after dinner mints, and resisted a half price Simnel cake..think9ing of the calories.
Not a lot going on here and it is really quiet with the kids back, for a few days anyway.No kids running round either, mostly coyuples..not running round though!
Watched "The suspicions of Mr Whicher" last night and really enjoyed that. Very well done. VT was very interested in it, having read the book about twice so far. He got a copy of it for 49p from the charity shop, and it was one of those books he was reading in bed, and kept reading me bits of it, or telling me what was going on. He does that every now and then with certain books. He said it was very true to the book and the characters were as he imagined them.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer, probably an escalope
Baby Jersey Royals
Green veggies
Monday, 25 April 2011
Another Bank Holiday!
You don't get a bank Holiday for ages, then three come along at once! Off on friday, then off today then off again for the Royal Wedding next friday as well. Oh and the May bank Holiday too. I feel sorry for employers, some firms must be losing loads of money.
We have had a crossword fest over the weekend. Yesterday I did my usual You magazine one while VT did his Express one. then he came across one about the Royal Wedding so we did that as well. He finished the General Knowledge one in the Mail on Sunday really quickly today, and he does the big Monday crossword in the Daily Express today too. Most of the ones we do are the general knowledge type, which we find interesting, I think they do sharpen the mind.
Went out to get some veggies this morning, and it was really busy. it seemed that the world and his wife were out getting stocked up. We just whizzed round and got done in half an hour, and got everything we wanted. Then home for coffee. Although it looks lovely out today, there is quite a cool breeze. VT has just come in from the garden to get a sweater because it is cool. He doesn't feel the cold really, it is me who does. Yet the sun is cracking the flags as they say.
Our neighbour next door, has gone to London for a couple of days to see her daughter who is involved in theatre work down there. The son has been here for a few days too which is nice for her, and she rang the doorbell last night with the keys for VT to mind the cat..(ginger girl). of course last night there was no sign of it at all, and he went out about three times to get her in. When he isn't looking after it, it is all over him and follows him down to the post box, but of course when he can let her in, it disappears...Typical!! He is taking the view that if it stays out all day, it will be tired and want to go in tonight without trouble.. Hmmm., we shall see.
Watched an afternoon programme today..Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. Only on half an hour, but such a mothwatering programme. Today he was making cupcakes, truly the fashion of the decade. He owns two high end shops in London, and his cupcakes are just gorgeous.He made some Tiramisu ones, a lemon meringue version with a gooey lemon centre, and some with a roasted pineapple topping. Oh Yummy!! He is too!!
Tonight we are having:
Some new Jersey Royals
Mixed vegetables
We have had a crossword fest over the weekend. Yesterday I did my usual You magazine one while VT did his Express one. then he came across one about the Royal Wedding so we did that as well. He finished the General Knowledge one in the Mail on Sunday really quickly today, and he does the big Monday crossword in the Daily Express today too. Most of the ones we do are the general knowledge type, which we find interesting, I think they do sharpen the mind.
Went out to get some veggies this morning, and it was really busy. it seemed that the world and his wife were out getting stocked up. We just whizzed round and got done in half an hour, and got everything we wanted. Then home for coffee. Although it looks lovely out today, there is quite a cool breeze. VT has just come in from the garden to get a sweater because it is cool. He doesn't feel the cold really, it is me who does. Yet the sun is cracking the flags as they say.
Our neighbour next door, has gone to London for a couple of days to see her daughter who is involved in theatre work down there. The son has been here for a few days too which is nice for her, and she rang the doorbell last night with the keys for VT to mind the cat..(ginger girl). of course last night there was no sign of it at all, and he went out about three times to get her in. When he isn't looking after it, it is all over him and follows him down to the post box, but of course when he can let her in, it disappears...Typical!! He is taking the view that if it stays out all day, it will be tired and want to go in tonight without trouble.. Hmmm., we shall see.
Watched an afternoon programme today..Baking Mad with Eric Lanlard. Only on half an hour, but such a mothwatering programme. Today he was making cupcakes, truly the fashion of the decade. He owns two high end shops in London, and his cupcakes are just gorgeous.He made some Tiramisu ones, a lemon meringue version with a gooey lemon centre, and some with a roasted pineapple topping. Oh Yummy!! He is too!!
Tonight we are having:
Some new Jersey Royals
Mixed vegetables
Saturday, 23 April 2011
St George's Day..
We should be patriotic today and be waving flags for the day. Except that nobody seems to bother with poor old St george. St Patrick, St David and St Andrew, but not St George. Doesn't make you feel very English, or proud of your country.
It is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, and the day he died also. That must be quite rare to be born , live a life and die on the same date. My own father died on St George's day too in 1973 so I usually remember the day.
Bit cooler today, certainly not as warm as yesterday. VT went out for one of his usual mooches, and said it was moderately busy today. Unfortunately one of the cats had been sick on his sofa, so that needed attention. They never let you down do they. Probably Rusty, she was running around. She seems to find it hard to settle sometimes, follows VT around everywhere.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese spring rolls
1/2 a packet of rice
Stir fry vegetables
Hoi sin and ginger sauce.
It is also the anniversary of the death of William Shakespeare, and the day he died also. That must be quite rare to be born , live a life and die on the same date. My own father died on St George's day too in 1973 so I usually remember the day.
Bit cooler today, certainly not as warm as yesterday. VT went out for one of his usual mooches, and said it was moderately busy today. Unfortunately one of the cats had been sick on his sofa, so that needed attention. They never let you down do they. Probably Rusty, she was running around. She seems to find it hard to settle sometimes, follows VT around everywhere.
Tonight we are having:
Chinese spring rolls
1/2 a packet of rice
Stir fry vegetables
Hoi sin and ginger sauce.
Friday, 22 April 2011
What a Difference..
A year makes! Good friday last year was cold, and VT had ordered a bag of peat blocks from Hortex. very unlike today where it is lovely and sunny, with people out in shorts and t-shirts.
We went to Waitrose this morning to get our weekend things,whilst we found a parking place easily, the store was very busy, far more so than usual. We got our usual, and not much more, but I always come out of there feeling that I haven't got a lot for my money. It's good quality stuff...mostly...but it is an expensive store, there is no getting round that. Plus, there are no extras, they don't really go in for offers, and no loyalty cards, or points systems. So it is a dear do. Not a lot for the customer really compared to the other stores. You are paying for them being "Posh".
Good friday...I used to hate Godd Friday when I was young, because it was a very churchy day. We would have to go about three times, and there was the ceremony of kissing the cross which I never kliked, and the Stations of the Cross which seemed to go on for ever. Easter is an odd time of the year, not really celebrated like Christmas, but an important christian festival. Easter Sunday was in our house again a Church day, with a new coat and a new hat for the occasion. Then my old "new" coat would become the second best coat. Odd the traditions that you have in a family.
The poor little Orchid.. All its flowers have now gone. Aaaah. It has been a terrific blaze of colour for weeks and weeks, almost five months. I wonder when it will flower again?
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers
Chips 200grms between us
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
Tartare sauce.
We went to Waitrose this morning to get our weekend things,whilst we found a parking place easily, the store was very busy, far more so than usual. We got our usual, and not much more, but I always come out of there feeling that I haven't got a lot for my money. It's good quality stuff...mostly...but it is an expensive store, there is no getting round that. Plus, there are no extras, they don't really go in for offers, and no loyalty cards, or points systems. So it is a dear do. Not a lot for the customer really compared to the other stores. You are paying for them being "Posh".
Good friday...I used to hate Godd Friday when I was young, because it was a very churchy day. We would have to go about three times, and there was the ceremony of kissing the cross which I never kliked, and the Stations of the Cross which seemed to go on for ever. Easter is an odd time of the year, not really celebrated like Christmas, but an important christian festival. Easter Sunday was in our house again a Church day, with a new coat and a new hat for the occasion. Then my old "new" coat would become the second best coat. Odd the traditions that you have in a family.
The poor little Orchid.. All its flowers have now gone. Aaaah. It has been a terrific blaze of colour for weeks and weeks, almost five months. I wonder when it will flower again?
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers
Chips 200grms between us
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
Tartare sauce.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
Warm Spell...
We seem to be in the middle of a hot spell at the moment. The sun is shining and everywhere is blossomng. All except my poor Orchid plant which is finally giving up the ghost. Since it flowered on the First of December it has been amazing.

Four and a half months of flowering is pretty godd by any standards. We now just have one small flower left.. then VT will give it his TLC and hopefully we will get some more next year.
We did a bit of housekeeping this morning, I had a pile of washing looking at me all week, so that had to be ironed. I actually quite like ironing, I like the way the bedding smooths out and looks good when folded.Takes a bit of work the Egyptian cotton bedding though, they don't tell you that when selling it on QVC !.When that was done, we did the floors so we are all clean now. Till the cats walk in on their little paws. As soon as it was dry VT drops a gherkin on it, he was cutting up for his lunch..typical..Sods law!!
He is in the garden reading the papers before they are recycled, Bobby is out there with him..she is a total sun baby and loves being in the warm. Rusty is in the middle room being quiet.
Tonight we are having:
Stuffed flat mushrooms,
Spinach and potato gratin,
green vegetables to go with.
Four and a half months of flowering is pretty godd by any standards. We now just have one small flower left.. then VT will give it his TLC and hopefully we will get some more next year.
We did a bit of housekeeping this morning, I had a pile of washing looking at me all week, so that had to be ironed. I actually quite like ironing, I like the way the bedding smooths out and looks good when folded.Takes a bit of work the Egyptian cotton bedding though, they don't tell you that when selling it on QVC !.When that was done, we did the floors so we are all clean now. Till the cats walk in on their little paws. As soon as it was dry VT drops a gherkin on it, he was cutting up for his lunch..typical..Sods law!!
He is in the garden reading the papers before they are recycled, Bobby is out there with him..she is a total sun baby and loves being in the warm. Rusty is in the middle room being quiet.
Tonight we are having:
Stuffed flat mushrooms,
Spinach and potato gratin,
green vegetables to go with.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Dracula Time...
I had to have a blood test done this week, from the Nephrology clinic.So, we decided that today would be a good day to get it done. This entailed a trip to Aintree hospital so we went mid morning. parked in the multi storey car park, and luckily VT spotted a space quickly, normally we have a trek round to get one. Walked to the blood taking area, and lo and behold there was no-one waiting! so walked straight in. This was the quickest ever. Sitting having my blood taken, and who should walk in but Mr W., who I have seen in the Diabetic clinic. The man is nuttier than a fruit cake, and I noticed the two vlood girls giving each other the eye, so we had a bit of a conversation about him. God knows why he is a consultant, he wanders round with fies looking like some mad professor..a very well paid one too..
Anyway, we were in and out in a matter of minutes, so VT said we might get the half hour free here, so he ran along the very warm glass long corridor to the ticket machine, only to find that you have to pay £2 anyway... never mind.
Went from there to the M&S in Aintree which isn't far, and had a look round. Nothing appeals to me there, and their clothing is really expensive for what it is.Not terribly good quality either. I'll stick to QVC and Bon Marche. Did have a look at handbags, and spotted one that I fancied, for £22 which I thought wasn't bad..and it was.....PURPLE too!! so well pleased. When I went to buy it, found that it was £17.50 so an even better bargain. Well pleased.
Had a lovely cup of coffee upstairs where it was quite busy today,but a lot of mums with babies..must be the outing season.
Home by lunchtime to the little ginger girl from next door who came out to greet us, ours were nowhere to be seen..charming!! we give them chicken and all sorts and they can't even be bothered to come and greet us.
VT is in the garden this afternoon, but he has just come in to say that it is too hot out there, yet only a few weeks ago it was freezing cold..just no pleasing some is there.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer, pie maybe
8oz mashed potatoes
Whatever veggies we have to use up.
Anyway, we were in and out in a matter of minutes, so VT said we might get the half hour free here, so he ran along the very warm glass long corridor to the ticket machine, only to find that you have to pay £2 anyway... never mind.
Went from there to the M&S in Aintree which isn't far, and had a look round. Nothing appeals to me there, and their clothing is really expensive for what it is.Not terribly good quality either. I'll stick to QVC and Bon Marche. Did have a look at handbags, and spotted one that I fancied, for £22 which I thought wasn't bad..and it was.....PURPLE too!! so well pleased. When I went to buy it, found that it was £17.50 so an even better bargain. Well pleased.
Had a lovely cup of coffee upstairs where it was quite busy today,but a lot of mums with babies..must be the outing season.
Home by lunchtime to the little ginger girl from next door who came out to greet us, ours were nowhere to be seen..charming!! we give them chicken and all sorts and they can't even be bothered to come and greet us.
VT is in the garden this afternoon, but he has just come in to say that it is too hot out there, yet only a few weeks ago it was freezing cold..just no pleasing some is there.
Tonight we are having:
Something from the freezer, pie maybe
8oz mashed potatoes
Whatever veggies we have to use up.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Is this Summer??
The sun is shining, it must be warming up because VT has just come in to get his green summer short sleeved shirt! He is in the garden sorting out some of the pots, but he says it is a bit early yet to move things, because the bulbs haven't quite finished yet.It's that in between time really.
Jane has just rung up for a chat, she is on the bus to work, and the background noise is terrible, She haws heard from someone who has given her a link to Halls next year. They are privcate halls, and they have their own room and en-suite, but share kitchen and living area. The rent is all in though, so they don't pay bills on top of that.
She seems to have a good plan for the next few years anyway. I hope it turns out fine for her.
Since it was a nice day, we nipped out this morning for a bit of fresh air so we went over to Ormskirk. It was quite quiet actually, yet the schools there seem to be off. They are back here till Friday anyway. Very odd holidays this term. Loads of people out in lighter gear, summer shirts and tops, but still a tad too cool for me for a while.
Tonight we are having:
Sausage lattices
Small sliced potatoes
A tin of spaghetti hoops for the toomato hit.
I only did a short post here because I had done a much longer one, but when I Presseddd publish post it disappeared.God knows where it went, so I had to retype the whole thing again.
Pain when it does that.
Jane has just rung up for a chat, she is on the bus to work, and the background noise is terrible, She haws heard from someone who has given her a link to Halls next year. They are privcate halls, and they have their own room and en-suite, but share kitchen and living area. The rent is all in though, so they don't pay bills on top of that.
She seems to have a good plan for the next few years anyway. I hope it turns out fine for her.
Since it was a nice day, we nipped out this morning for a bit of fresh air so we went over to Ormskirk. It was quite quiet actually, yet the schools there seem to be off. They are back here till Friday anyway. Very odd holidays this term. Loads of people out in lighter gear, summer shirts and tops, but still a tad too cool for me for a while.
Tonight we are having:
Sausage lattices
Small sliced potatoes
A tin of spaghetti hoops for the toomato hit.
I only did a short post here because I had done a much longer one, but when I Presseddd publish post it disappeared.God knows where it went, so I had to retype the whole thing again.
Pain when it does that.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Monday Again..
They come round with a monotonous regularity these Mondays. No sooner has the weekend gone then the Monday appears. Nice and sunny today though, and the children round here are back in school after their unusual Easter break. Back in for four days, and off on Good friday, the weekend and the following Monday, then back in for three days and off for the Royal Wedding! What a pain for the parents. then there are the two Bank Holidays in May, and the May half term...Great to be a teacher in these days!!
We went out quickly to Crosby to Sainsbury's for the veg etc., and the difference in the car park from last week is amazing, so much quieter. Whizzed round there in 1/2 an hour so it is free parking, and home for a coffee. VT bought this new coffee from Kenco which is called "Milliano" and it is really nice, like a proper ground coffee. We always have a Cafetiere of fresh ground coffee every day about 5 O'Clock, with a bit of a breather, and we vary the type and make.One thing i love is the smell of ground coffee, it scents the whole house..a really pleasant aroma. They say it is one of the nicest, together with new baked bread.I can believe it.
Gone quite dull now, and coolish with the sun behind the clouds. VT has been in the garden and come in with wet pants! He was fixing the water feature..fountain..in the back garden and it spurted out on him.
It's a lovely little fountain, he bought me for my fiftieth, and it is in a large blue pot, with the fountain bit at the top, surrounded by slates. It's lovely in the summer sitting out with it going and trickling over the stones. He says he has fixed it, and I'm sure he has, he is excellent at fixing things.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope..not sure which sort?
Baby baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables with a white sauce
We went out quickly to Crosby to Sainsbury's for the veg etc., and the difference in the car park from last week is amazing, so much quieter. Whizzed round there in 1/2 an hour so it is free parking, and home for a coffee. VT bought this new coffee from Kenco which is called "Milliano" and it is really nice, like a proper ground coffee. We always have a Cafetiere of fresh ground coffee every day about 5 O'Clock, with a bit of a breather, and we vary the type and make.One thing i love is the smell of ground coffee, it scents the whole house..a really pleasant aroma. They say it is one of the nicest, together with new baked bread.I can believe it.
Gone quite dull now, and coolish with the sun behind the clouds. VT has been in the garden and come in with wet pants! He was fixing the water feature..fountain..in the back garden and it spurted out on him.
It's a lovely little fountain, he bought me for my fiftieth, and it is in a large blue pot, with the fountain bit at the top, surrounded by slates. It's lovely in the summer sitting out with it going and trickling over the stones. He says he has fixed it, and I'm sure he has, he is excellent at fixing things.
Tonight we are having:
Escalope..not sure which sort?
Baby baked potatoes
Mixed vegetables with a white sauce
Sunday, 17 April 2011
Always a Busy Sunday...
I think Sunday is one of our busiest days of the week. We do the bedding which was hung on the line today in the sunshine and dried really well. VT went off to Formby to have a lok round, and I gave him a list of some things to get from Waitrose. That is a shop that is better with a list, otherwise you end up with a trolley full and a much smaller bank balancve.
After lunch we did the crosswords, always a pleasant time of the day, and today they were quite reasonable. The theme of mine was a proverb, and today I saw it at once which made it a lot easier. Did the pizza dough for later, then the bedding so all straight for tonight.
Tonight we are having:
Our well known pizza with our tomato sauce
Portobello mushrooms, meatfree sausage, pineapple and courgette.
Potato and egg salad baby plum tomatoes and avocado
Potato salad for moi and a pasta salad for VT.
After lunch we did the crosswords, always a pleasant time of the day, and today they were quite reasonable. The theme of mine was a proverb, and today I saw it at once which made it a lot easier. Did the pizza dough for later, then the bedding so all straight for tonight.
Tonight we are having:
Our well known pizza with our tomato sauce
Portobello mushrooms, meatfree sausage, pineapple and courgette.
Potato and egg salad baby plum tomatoes and avocado
Potato salad for moi and a pasta salad for VT.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
When I look at other people's blogs I am always surprised by the different styles of posting. Some are very short and to the point, with maybe a photo and a few lines of writing.Others are much longer. One in particular is a very long blog, with no photographs and endless prose. usually i get fed up straining to read it and give up half way. Some write on a theme every so often, others write what comes into their heads. There are some wonderful craft ones, especially from the States where crafting is strong.
There is a facility at the top of the page to go to the next blog, and I use this quite often because it is random, and you get such an interesting mix of styles to look at.
We sat down after lunch to have a look at the papers and watch the recording of Mastermind which we taped yesterday. Very good contest with six very evenly matched contestants. the chap who won had been in it before in 2008 and came second and he was absolutely thrilled. His specialist subject was on the paintings of The National gallery, which is such a wide subject but he got a full score and went on to win with 37 points. VT and I sit and try the general knowledge at which he is much faster, but he tends to shout out an answer so I don't get a go. He is really good at general knowledge, considering he didn't pass the 11+ and didn't go to a posh university. I think it is the crosswords that we do, enlarges your knowledge quite a lot.
Tonight we are having:
Stirfry vegetables,
Hoi sin and ginger sauce
1/2 a packet of rice.
There is a facility at the top of the page to go to the next blog, and I use this quite often because it is random, and you get such an interesting mix of styles to look at.
We sat down after lunch to have a look at the papers and watch the recording of Mastermind which we taped yesterday. Very good contest with six very evenly matched contestants. the chap who won had been in it before in 2008 and came second and he was absolutely thrilled. His specialist subject was on the paintings of The National gallery, which is such a wide subject but he got a full score and went on to win with 37 points. VT and I sit and try the general knowledge at which he is much faster, but he tends to shout out an answer so I don't get a go. He is really good at general knowledge, considering he didn't pass the 11+ and didn't go to a posh university. I think it is the crosswords that we do, enlarges your knowledge quite a lot.
Tonight we are having:
Stirfry vegetables,
Hoi sin and ginger sauce
1/2 a packet of rice.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Really nice warm day here today, so we went over to Aintree to the Sainsburys for our Friday outing. The racing has well finished now, so the traffic is much quieter. The other reason was that V had got a coupon for 5p a litre off petrol so he wanted to use that I think. £40 that cost me..but since he uses the car to drive me to appointments etc., that's onluy fair. I remember when I started driving, petrol was 3/6 a gallon!!!! Then when i finished work, we used to put around £20 at a time in..now it is £40..I wonder how much further it can go. Gosh 3/6 a gallon, that was about 18p !! you would be hard pressed to buy a chocolate bar for that now.
Bit disappointed with Sainsbury's they don't seem to have so much stock as usual, and a few things were fairly expensive too. No stir fries, and the salad that I wanted was really expensive, more so that Waitrose, and that is saying something.
We had a lovely coffee in their large car park though so that saved us a load of money.
Odd event happened..we were sitting there enjoying our coffees when a teen rode over to a car parked quite a bit away from where we were. he went to the side window, and we looked at each other and said.."Oh Oh " thinking that it looked like a drugs pick up. When, lo and behold, a man got out of the car, went round to the boot, and took out about two small bicycles, and a couple of other kids got out of the car. They all started riding around..all quite innocent. Not what we were thinking at all. Just us with suspicious minds!! They were taking advantage of a nice big empty safe car park!!
Another thing that surprised me today, was when we were having a small coffee after our lunch and getting a glimpse of "Flog It". There was an older man on that who was selling a lovely diamond ring that had belonged to his grandmother ..it was a wartime german story, But he also had a sword with him, and he told a tale of being a balancing act in Butlins all over, years ago. He used to balance the sword on his nose!! You would never think it to look at him, he just looked like a grandfather type. Another older man came on a bit later, who was a teacher of synchronised swimming!!! So many stories behind peoples faces...
Tonight we are having:
Vegetable pasties
Rice puddings..a real treat.
Bit disappointed with Sainsbury's they don't seem to have so much stock as usual, and a few things were fairly expensive too. No stir fries, and the salad that I wanted was really expensive, more so that Waitrose, and that is saying something.
We had a lovely coffee in their large car park though so that saved us a load of money.
Odd event happened..we were sitting there enjoying our coffees when a teen rode over to a car parked quite a bit away from where we were. he went to the side window, and we looked at each other and said.."Oh Oh " thinking that it looked like a drugs pick up. When, lo and behold, a man got out of the car, went round to the boot, and took out about two small bicycles, and a couple of other kids got out of the car. They all started riding around..all quite innocent. Not what we were thinking at all. Just us with suspicious minds!! They were taking advantage of a nice big empty safe car park!!
Another thing that surprised me today, was when we were having a small coffee after our lunch and getting a glimpse of "Flog It". There was an older man on that who was selling a lovely diamond ring that had belonged to his grandmother ..it was a wartime german story, But he also had a sword with him, and he told a tale of being a balancing act in Butlins all over, years ago. He used to balance the sword on his nose!! You would never think it to look at him, he just looked like a grandfather type. Another older man came on a bit later, who was a teacher of synchronised swimming!!! So many stories behind peoples faces...
Tonight we are having:
Vegetable pasties
Rice puddings..a real treat.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
I wonder how many people live their lives to a daily routine. I suspect quite a lot.. I know when i was teaching, certainly my term time days were very much a matter of routine. We would wake up at the same time, have breakfast at the same time and leave the house at eight o'clock each morning. If we didn't do that our day wouldn't work. We used to see the same people each morning on the way to work, and know roughly where they would be. There was one girl we saw most mornings on her way to school. in a maroon blazer, and we used to call her "fluffy hair" because she had red hair in fluffy curls. Since it is 11 years or so since I left school, she will be well grown up by now, probably been to university and have her own routine by now. I wonder.
Does having a routine make us boring..i don't think so, it is a case of getting through the day with less stress.
Since we retired we don't have so much of a routine, because we don't need to, and it is nice to live each day without having to be in a certain place at a certain time. We do what we want to really, if we feel like going ut we do, if we don't, we stay in. Today VT went of to the Barbers for a badly needed hair cut. He has very thich bushy hair, and it is better kept short, and it seemed to grow really quickly over the last couple of weeks. he went to his usual barbers in Formby, but when he came back he said he didn't go there because it had gone !all poncey" and he definitely doesn't do "poncey". So he tried another one he knew of, but that was full of little kids getting cut before they go back to school, so he didn't go there either. He ended up at one we know of which has not long been rebuilt after a horrendoius car crash, where an elderly woman in an automatic car had gone through their front window and embedded her car in the shop. It has been redone, and looks smart, but not poncey, and he said it was empty. Anyway he has had a really good hair cut, and he is all smart again now, my lovely husband.
I stopped in and messed about on the net this morning. The two cats have their own routine, but funnily enough, they do the same things most days. At the moment they are both fast asleep having had their afternoon treat of chopped chicken!
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all really. One of those days when there is no inspiration, but might do a pasta. Just simple.
A bit of garlic bread
Some green vegetables to go with.
Does having a routine make us boring..i don't think so, it is a case of getting through the day with less stress.
Since we retired we don't have so much of a routine, because we don't need to, and it is nice to live each day without having to be in a certain place at a certain time. We do what we want to really, if we feel like going ut we do, if we don't, we stay in. Today VT went of to the Barbers for a badly needed hair cut. He has very thich bushy hair, and it is better kept short, and it seemed to grow really quickly over the last couple of weeks. he went to his usual barbers in Formby, but when he came back he said he didn't go there because it had gone !all poncey" and he definitely doesn't do "poncey". So he tried another one he knew of, but that was full of little kids getting cut before they go back to school, so he didn't go there either. He ended up at one we know of which has not long been rebuilt after a horrendoius car crash, where an elderly woman in an automatic car had gone through their front window and embedded her car in the shop. It has been redone, and looks smart, but not poncey, and he said it was empty. Anyway he has had a really good hair cut, and he is all smart again now, my lovely husband.
I stopped in and messed about on the net this morning. The two cats have their own routine, but funnily enough, they do the same things most days. At the moment they are both fast asleep having had their afternoon treat of chopped chicken!
Tonight we are having:
No idea at all really. One of those days when there is no inspiration, but might do a pasta. Just simple.
A bit of garlic bread
Some green vegetables to go with.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Big Black Hole..
I think there must be one somewhere in the universe. One that contains all the lost post, odd socks and other things that go missing.
VT sent .jane her AA card and that hasn't arrived, neither has my Mother's Day card which hasn't got here yet either. They must all be somewhere, where does it all go?
Mind you VT was reading an article the other day about theft from the Post Office, and apparently around three hundred posties had been sacked last year. Our posties are fine, but someone must be to blame somewhere.
We nipped out this morning to get a few bits that I had forgotten, and to put some money into Jane's bank for her.Might help a bit. Then we called in at the garden centre to get a coffee, but it was absolutely heaving with people, so we came home.It gets really noisy when it is busy, and I hate noisy places because you can't have a proper conversation. Hearing aids don't help there. Didn't spot any plants that shouted at us, and they didn't have any catmint either so a bit disappointed. Our cats, and everyone elses have shredded our nice bush of catmint, it seems to be cannabis for cats that stuff.
Our next door neighbour rang the doorbell last night. VT disappeared, then came back to say that she had a mouse on her doorstep. Right in the middle, and she doesn't like them. so she asked him if he would mind getting rid of it for her. She must miss her husband such a lot, it's little things like that they are good for....and others as well!
Tonight we are having:
Little baked potatoes 8oz
or maybe a mixed vegetable gratin
Cheesey kiev
Not altogether sure..I will see when I go down.
Next door neighbour the other side was washing her car this morning, which was odd because it has looked like rain all day. hasn't yet though maybe she will be lucky.
VT sent .jane her AA card and that hasn't arrived, neither has my Mother's Day card which hasn't got here yet either. They must all be somewhere, where does it all go?
Mind you VT was reading an article the other day about theft from the Post Office, and apparently around three hundred posties had been sacked last year. Our posties are fine, but someone must be to blame somewhere.
We nipped out this morning to get a few bits that I had forgotten, and to put some money into Jane's bank for her.Might help a bit. Then we called in at the garden centre to get a coffee, but it was absolutely heaving with people, so we came home.It gets really noisy when it is busy, and I hate noisy places because you can't have a proper conversation. Hearing aids don't help there. Didn't spot any plants that shouted at us, and they didn't have any catmint either so a bit disappointed. Our cats, and everyone elses have shredded our nice bush of catmint, it seems to be cannabis for cats that stuff.
Our next door neighbour rang the doorbell last night. VT disappeared, then came back to say that she had a mouse on her doorstep. Right in the middle, and she doesn't like them. so she asked him if he would mind getting rid of it for her. She must miss her husband such a lot, it's little things like that they are good for....and others as well!
Tonight we are having:
Little baked potatoes 8oz
or maybe a mixed vegetable gratin
Cheesey kiev
Not altogether sure..I will see when I go down.
Next door neighbour the other side was washing her car this morning, which was odd because it has looked like rain all day. hasn't yet though maybe she will be lucky.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Cat Hair!!!
Grrr..cat hair everywhere you go in our house. I do love our cats, but I wish they wouldn't moult so much. I suppose they should be brushed more often but you forget, then they look so comfortable so you don't move them..
Did some vacuuming in Jane's room this morning, and our vacuum cleaner is just not picking them up at the moment. Thinking of getting one of those Miele which is a pet hair vacuum. Looked them up on the net, and they seem to be quite highly rated, so might have a look at those.
Jane rang up this afternoon and chatted for such a long time. She was on her way to work and we talked for all the time she was on the bus. She is chuffed that she got into Salford, it is a really good chance for her to do something good with a career path to it. She was talking about a ticket she has bought for a Hugh Laurie concert on May7th in Manchester. he plays House on the television, andis doing a blues album and concert tour, but they are only small venues so not many tickets.
He sounds good on the video, such a talent..not fair for someone to have so many different talents!!
lovely day today. VT is in the garden doing some trimming and tidying, the sun is shining through the window, and the cat is asleep in her newly vacuumed basket, and all's right with the world...mostly!! Well that's how the saying goes.
Tonight we are having:
Toad in the hole
Cabbaage and leek stir friedd with fry light
Did some vacuuming in Jane's room this morning, and our vacuum cleaner is just not picking them up at the moment. Thinking of getting one of those Miele which is a pet hair vacuum. Looked them up on the net, and they seem to be quite highly rated, so might have a look at those.
Jane rang up this afternoon and chatted for such a long time. She was on her way to work and we talked for all the time she was on the bus. She is chuffed that she got into Salford, it is a really good chance for her to do something good with a career path to it. She was talking about a ticket she has bought for a Hugh Laurie concert on May7th in Manchester. he plays House on the television, andis doing a blues album and concert tour, but they are only small venues so not many tickets.
He sounds good on the video, such a talent..not fair for someone to have so many different talents!!
lovely day today. VT is in the garden doing some trimming and tidying, the sun is shining through the window, and the cat is asleep in her newly vacuumed basket, and all's right with the world...mostly!! Well that's how the saying goes.
Tonight we are having:
Toad in the hole
Cabbaage and leek stir friedd with fry light
Monday, 11 April 2011
After the Sizzle...The Drizzle..
Awoke this morning to a grey day, totally not like yesterday was. Jane rang up early, because she couldn't sleep! so she thought she would wake us up. For once the cats hadn't been jumping on me this morning, so I was in a really good sleep. She had some good news, she has got into Salford University to do Radiography, but the offer had on it for 2011 and she wanted next year. So she said she emailed the woman, and she said it was her mistake, and wouyld alter it for 2012. Jane said she bnow has a 4 year plan, and I think realises that it is important to get her head down and make the most of her opportunity.
I think Theology was the wrong subject for her and she was too young to go to university when she was 18. Her birthday is on August 27th, so she was the youngest of her year, and that makes a big difference. She struggled a lot and didn't finish her course, but it is all experience for her. I'm glad she is doing this now, she should have more sense I hope.
We went to the dreaded Tesco this mornng..feel like a traitor. But, we got one of those reward coupons in the post, with all the points coupons too..so we decided to go and use them. We do very little shopping at Tesco...for one thing it is a horrible little busy store, and i just do not like their ethics taking over everywhere. The tescopoly just doesn't sit right with me.
Very wet and drizzly here this morning. and we got quite wet going through the car park, with a horrible little wet trolley. Well, that's it till tghe next round of coupons.!
Cleared up now and the sun is shining, what a funny country this is for weather. No wonder that the british talk about the weather such a lot.
VT went round to the Alt Centre to have a look at a display about the coastal erosion, and the sand dunes. They are proposing to move sand from Crosby along to here to make an attempt to strengthen the dunes. The money is coming from Broseley homes who left £250,000 in about the seventies, which has grown to a Million now! It's buying time for the future they say.Strengthen the dunes to prevent flooding.
Tonight we are having:
Gruyere cheese escalope.
Little sauteed potatoes.
Mixed vegetables gratin.
Just realised I forgot to get some mushrooms! This is the problem with going to a store you are not hugeoly familiar, i don't recall going past the mushrooms, so didn't get any. Bother..never mind it isn't important in the greater scheme of life!
I think Theology was the wrong subject for her and she was too young to go to university when she was 18. Her birthday is on August 27th, so she was the youngest of her year, and that makes a big difference. She struggled a lot and didn't finish her course, but it is all experience for her. I'm glad she is doing this now, she should have more sense I hope.
We went to the dreaded Tesco this mornng..feel like a traitor. But, we got one of those reward coupons in the post, with all the points coupons too..so we decided to go and use them. We do very little shopping at Tesco...for one thing it is a horrible little busy store, and i just do not like their ethics taking over everywhere. The tescopoly just doesn't sit right with me.
Very wet and drizzly here this morning. and we got quite wet going through the car park, with a horrible little wet trolley. Well, that's it till tghe next round of coupons.!
Cleared up now and the sun is shining, what a funny country this is for weather. No wonder that the british talk about the weather such a lot.
VT went round to the Alt Centre to have a look at a display about the coastal erosion, and the sand dunes. They are proposing to move sand from Crosby along to here to make an attempt to strengthen the dunes. The money is coming from Broseley homes who left £250,000 in about the seventies, which has grown to a Million now! It's buying time for the future they say.Strengthen the dunes to prevent flooding.
Tonight we are having:
Gruyere cheese escalope.
Little sauteed potatoes.
Mixed vegetables gratin.
Just realised I forgot to get some mushrooms! This is the problem with going to a store you are not hugeoly familiar, i don't recall going past the mushrooms, so didn't get any. Bother..never mind it isn't important in the greater scheme of life!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Gorgeous Day Again...
Beautiful sunny day today, we sat out this morning for a while, and soon the cats joined us. Little Bobby ws sat on the chair beside me and was allowing me to stroke her beautifully, then she jumped down. Then little Rusty jumped on my knee, and i was stroking her back when I noticed loads of her hair coming away. Obviously moulting, so VT went in and got the cat brush and he had a go with her, then I did as well. Brushloads of hair coming off, no wonder they get fur balls if all that is being licked, and they are both big lickers. They were really enjoying themselves in the garden, seems months and months ago since we had all that terrible snow two or three feet deep.Must say I prefer this weather.
VT went into Crosby because he wanted to go to the Hardware shop. He said it was a lot quieter than yesterday, everyone was out yesterday doing their shopping before the National. I had the winner this year..won £17 for my £1 e/w bet, trouble is my other four didn't get a place, and neither did any of VT's, so we just about broke even, so not too bad and you had the fun of watching "Your" horse running.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce
Portobello mushrooms, pineapple, meatfree sausage and mozzarella cheese.
Potato and egg salad with baby plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and pasta salad for VT.
VT went into Crosby because he wanted to go to the Hardware shop. He said it was a lot quieter than yesterday, everyone was out yesterday doing their shopping before the National. I had the winner this year..won £17 for my £1 e/w bet, trouble is my other four didn't get a place, and neither did any of VT's, so we just about broke even, so not too bad and you had the fun of watching "Your" horse running.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce
Portobello mushrooms, pineapple, meatfree sausage and mozzarella cheese.
Potato and egg salad with baby plum tomatoes
Potato salad for moi and pasta salad for VT.
Saturday, 9 April 2011
It's The National...
Big day around Merseyside. The Grand national is a big event around here. Very populat sporting event, and one of the few apart from tennis and ice skating that I watch. We do watch it every year, and normally have a bit of a flutter. VT has a phone account which he uses only once a year for this race..it's so easy, you choose your horses, ring up and it's done. It is so much more fun to watch when you have a few horses to watch that you've backed. We choose about five each, at £1 e/w..big gamblers we are!! and this year, I had the winner Ballabriggs which was trained by Donald McCain, the son of Ginger McCain. He was the trainer of the celebrated Red Rum whop won the race three times. Had to have a go on that. I also had a go on a grey horse Silver by nature simply because I love grey horses. The last time I won on a grey horse was Nicholas Silver who won about fifty years ago, and a grey has never won since. Very exciting racebut unfortunately two horses had to be put down which was very sad. Huge crowds at the race, massive numbers of people, it seems to get more popular each year.
Gorgeous day today, VT is sitting in the garden with a cup of tea and his sunglasses on, going to be nice tomorrow and cooler on Monday according to the weather reports.
Jane rang up this morning quite early, she couldn't sleep. She said that she had heard from the University and that she had been successful in her interview for a place on the Radiography course at Salford, so she was well chuffer. So that is her tied up for the next four years. At least at the end of it, she will hopefully have something to go for. Well done Jane.
Tonight we are having:
Burger..a Quorn one.
VT is having a bread bun and I am having mine with a salad.
And a small pack of micro chips!! like french fries.
He has bought some gherkins to go with his because he used to like the large American dill peppers that they serve there.
I might get him to eat a bit of salad!!! but don't hold out much hope.
Gorgeous day today, VT is sitting in the garden with a cup of tea and his sunglasses on, going to be nice tomorrow and cooler on Monday according to the weather reports.
Jane rang up this morning quite early, she couldn't sleep. She said that she had heard from the University and that she had been successful in her interview for a place on the Radiography course at Salford, so she was well chuffer. So that is her tied up for the next four years. At least at the end of it, she will hopefully have something to go for. Well done Jane.
Tonight we are having:
Burger..a Quorn one.
VT is having a bread bun and I am having mine with a salad.
And a small pack of micro chips!! like french fries.
He has bought some gherkins to go with his because he used to like the large American dill peppers that they serve there.
I might get him to eat a bit of salad!!! but don't hold out much hope.
Friday, 8 April 2011
Spring is Sprung!!
Very definitely the weather today is lovely. The sun is shining and all the trees and shrubs and hedges are showing a good green now. Some of the blossom trees are just beautiful.Bobby, who is our sun baby cat is outside sunbathing in the garden. She loves the sun and will stay out there for hours. Rusty will go out, but she is more of an indoor cat really..depends where VT is, because she follows him.
We got up and got going this morning, and went into Southport to the ASDA there. Car park was quite busy, but you can always park nearby. We didn't want to go the other way into Aintree, because of the Aintree races, which are extremely popular. It's ladies day there, and all the would be wags are out in force.They have a competition for the best dressed lady, and they can win a car, so they are all there in their posh frocks and hats..it's a hoot.All television eyes are on Colleen Rooney or (Mrs Thug) to see what she is wearing. As if anyone cares. What is it with the obsession for what the celebrities are wearing. I note in the paper today Sam Cam on holiday in Malaga,we get every detail of her clothing..boring.
Today, jenny was wearing a blouse in soft raspberry, with navy trousers, all her bling jewellery, and a silver parka style coat, bought last year from Bon marche in their sales.
I actually put my thinner coat on today for the first time this year..makes a change.
Had a good look round ASDA, terrible clothing range there, I never see anything that I would like to buy..all made in China, and so thin you can almost see through the material. Did buy a book though, 9th something or other by james Patterson. I do like the murder club books, and he always writes in short paragraphs which is great for reading at night. I always come out of Asda feeling that I have got good value for money, and the final bill never seems to be as much as I was expecting. We bought a book..£3.96 a £4 jar of Nescafe black gold and a trolley full of things and it was £50 odd pounds. Not bad. stocked up quite a bit too.
The census man has just called, but ours is in the post..they must be chasing people up.
Tonight we are having:
The new Quorn fish style fingers.
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
tartare sauce.
We got up and got going this morning, and went into Southport to the ASDA there. Car park was quite busy, but you can always park nearby. We didn't want to go the other way into Aintree, because of the Aintree races, which are extremely popular. It's ladies day there, and all the would be wags are out in force.They have a competition for the best dressed lady, and they can win a car, so they are all there in their posh frocks and hats..it's a hoot.All television eyes are on Colleen Rooney or (Mrs Thug) to see what she is wearing. As if anyone cares. What is it with the obsession for what the celebrities are wearing. I note in the paper today Sam Cam on holiday in Malaga,we get every detail of her clothing..boring.
Today, jenny was wearing a blouse in soft raspberry, with navy trousers, all her bling jewellery, and a silver parka style coat, bought last year from Bon marche in their sales.
I actually put my thinner coat on today for the first time this year..makes a change.
Had a good look round ASDA, terrible clothing range there, I never see anything that I would like to buy..all made in China, and so thin you can almost see through the material. Did buy a book though, 9th something or other by james Patterson. I do like the murder club books, and he always writes in short paragraphs which is great for reading at night. I always come out of Asda feeling that I have got good value for money, and the final bill never seems to be as much as I was expecting. We bought a book..£3.96 a £4 jar of Nescafe black gold and a trolley full of things and it was £50 odd pounds. Not bad. stocked up quite a bit too.
The census man has just called, but ours is in the post..they must be chasing people up.
Tonight we are having:
The new Quorn fish style fingers.
Mushy peas for VT and green beans for moi
tartare sauce.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
A Nothing Day...
Do we all have them? Nothing Days..when you just do nothing at all, and nothing happens at all?
Today was one of those in this house for me anyway. We got up late to start with, which didn't matter as we hadn't planned to go anywhere,late breakfast, so late everything else as well..doeswn't matter one bit.
Nice day outside..looks sunny, but VT went out to do a bit of sorting out in the garden and he said he sat on the chair for a bit and it was freezing. Doesn't bother the cats though they have nice furry coats.
He spent the morning sorting through all the pile of magazines in the middle room. I buy a number every week, and do the puzzles in them, I enjoy that, and he reads the odd story. To be honest, most of them are "minging" as Jane would say, and I can't be bothered with a lot of them. Variations on a theme. So I cherry pick but do like the puzzles. Only won a couple of things though, £1000 once which we put towards an American holiday, and a hamper of cheese and wine once. The wine is good Australian stuff, the cheese was VERY stinky french stuff. I can still smell it now!
Lovely long bubble bath this afternoon with my book and Yankee candles..what a treat.
Tonight we are having:
Not sure exactly,
use up some potatoes from the pack,
Something from the freezer,
A bag of cabbage and leek steamed and lightly sauteed.
Today was one of those in this house for me anyway. We got up late to start with, which didn't matter as we hadn't planned to go anywhere,late breakfast, so late everything else as well..doeswn't matter one bit.
Nice day outside..looks sunny, but VT went out to do a bit of sorting out in the garden and he said he sat on the chair for a bit and it was freezing. Doesn't bother the cats though they have nice furry coats.
He spent the morning sorting through all the pile of magazines in the middle room. I buy a number every week, and do the puzzles in them, I enjoy that, and he reads the odd story. To be honest, most of them are "minging" as Jane would say, and I can't be bothered with a lot of them. Variations on a theme. So I cherry pick but do like the puzzles. Only won a couple of things though, £1000 once which we put towards an American holiday, and a hamper of cheese and wine once. The wine is good Australian stuff, the cheese was VERY stinky french stuff. I can still smell it now!
Lovely long bubble bath this afternoon with my book and Yankee candles..what a treat.
Tonight we are having:
Not sure exactly,
use up some potatoes from the pack,
Something from the freezer,
A bag of cabbage and leek steamed and lightly sauteed.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Tired of Coffees..I Don't thi k So!
So much for VT being tired of having coffee out..that didn't last long. He decided today that he would go into Formby to the Holland and Barratt to collect his free Manuka honey, then we would go on to Dobbies and get a few plants for the spare poots he has in the garden.
The Manuka honey was a voucher from one of the papers, and when he went to the shop, they didn't have any but they said they would order it, which they did. It is a really good size pot of honey, flavoured with blueberry which is actually really nice. So he is chuffed with that.
Not a huge number of plants in the nursery, mostly a lot of primulas etc., so we ended up with a tray of "Bellis" which I don't think we have had before. They are tiny little flowers in bright jewel colours which are like little tiny chrysanthemums a bit. Anyway, he is potting them up. Called in at Waitrose on the way back, while he went to cokllect his honey, I went into there. He wanted some figs to go with his manchego cheese at the weekend. £2.49 for about five figs!!!He's getting expensive tastes this husband of mine!!Never mind he's worth it.
Just watching Rusty and the ginger girl from next door having a stand off in the garden. neither was moving, and it looked like they were in for a fight, then Rusty moved away. Our neighbour thinks her ginger girl is a boy cat..because "All ginger cats are boys"..but we have actually had a ginger girl once, a tiny little thing called Jemima who we got from a woman who was rescuing cats quite a number of years ago now. She was a little runt of a cat..and epileptic. used to have some terrible fits, but such a sweetie. One day she just disappeared and we never found out where she ended up. We think she probably had a fit somewhere and died. Strangely enough she always had a fit when there was a full moon, maybe there is something in the "lunatic" term after all. We haven't had too many cats altogether, and they were all different. Our first..Zoe, we duidn't have for a long time, she was a bit naughty and used to go out at night, and eventually got run over. Then we got a really beautifully natured tabby..Lucy..who was VT's cat. She used to wait in the window every evening for him to come home. She would follow him round and he would drape her round his shoulders. We had a black cat pretty much at the same time called Inky..She was called Chloe from the rescue centre and we thought that was a bit too poncey. Lucy and Inky used to curl up together, and Inky would look for Luch everywhere. Inky eventually got cat Aids, and died from that, but we had a lot of years with her. Inky hated black things..I had a pair of black boots, and she'd run a mile from them..also the coal hod which is black. Maybe she had been frightened by something black.
Our two present girls will never be as close as |Lucy and Inky, they sort of tolerate each other. You will never find them eating together, or sleeping together, yet we have had them for teens of years now. Funny little animals.

That's about as good as it gets with these two!
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a sauce
Green vegetable medley,
A tiny bit of garlic bread
A tiny bit of grated parmesan.
The Manuka honey was a voucher from one of the papers, and when he went to the shop, they didn't have any but they said they would order it, which they did. It is a really good size pot of honey, flavoured with blueberry which is actually really nice. So he is chuffed with that.
Not a huge number of plants in the nursery, mostly a lot of primulas etc., so we ended up with a tray of "Bellis" which I don't think we have had before. They are tiny little flowers in bright jewel colours which are like little tiny chrysanthemums a bit. Anyway, he is potting them up. Called in at Waitrose on the way back, while he went to cokllect his honey, I went into there. He wanted some figs to go with his manchego cheese at the weekend. £2.49 for about five figs!!!He's getting expensive tastes this husband of mine!!Never mind he's worth it.
Just watching Rusty and the ginger girl from next door having a stand off in the garden. neither was moving, and it looked like they were in for a fight, then Rusty moved away. Our neighbour thinks her ginger girl is a boy cat..because "All ginger cats are boys"..but we have actually had a ginger girl once, a tiny little thing called Jemima who we got from a woman who was rescuing cats quite a number of years ago now. She was a little runt of a cat..and epileptic. used to have some terrible fits, but such a sweetie. One day she just disappeared and we never found out where she ended up. We think she probably had a fit somewhere and died. Strangely enough she always had a fit when there was a full moon, maybe there is something in the "lunatic" term after all. We haven't had too many cats altogether, and they were all different. Our first..Zoe, we duidn't have for a long time, she was a bit naughty and used to go out at night, and eventually got run over. Then we got a really beautifully natured tabby..Lucy..who was VT's cat. She used to wait in the window every evening for him to come home. She would follow him round and he would drape her round his shoulders. We had a black cat pretty much at the same time called Inky..She was called Chloe from the rescue centre and we thought that was a bit too poncey. Lucy and Inky used to curl up together, and Inky would look for Luch everywhere. Inky eventually got cat Aids, and died from that, but we had a lot of years with her. Inky hated black things..I had a pair of black boots, and she'd run a mile from them..also the coal hod which is black. Maybe she had been frightened by something black.
Our two present girls will never be as close as |Lucy and Inky, they sort of tolerate each other. You will never find them eating together, or sleeping together, yet we have had them for teens of years now. Funny little animals.
That's about as good as it gets with these two!
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a sauce
Green vegetable medley,
A tiny bit of garlic bread
A tiny bit of grated parmesan.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Clear Up...
Today we spent the day clearing up. So many things around the house that need sorting and tidying away. I started with a great big pile of ironing that was just looking at me and begging to be done. i actually like ironing, I like the smoothing ut of creases and making everything look good. The bedding is a trial, but is worth it for the luxury on the bed. Trouble is it comes out of the drier looking so creased but thats the cotton.
VT did all the outside things, recycling, and it is bins day tomorrow so he had to get those round to the front. Must admit I do hate wheelie bins, they are a real blot on the lamdscape these days. Then i sorted out a big pile of magazines for recycling, at least they are one step nearer the front door!
VT did a bit of mending on my hering aid last night. The fixative that the audiologist used only lasted three days, and that wasn't with heavy use either. It's not like they get moved a lot, they get put in first thing in the morning, and stay there till bedtime. So, he went on the internet to see if you could use superglue on them, and you can. So he sat down with the superglue, and fixed it. He is terrific at fixing things, loves fiddling with stuff.He would have made a good audiologist actually, pity he didn't get more of an education, he should have gone to grammar school. I wonder what he would have been if he had. We were the secondary modern generation, factory fodder, and shop work, and maybe the apprentices. Certainly not universities, or colleges. How things have changed.
Seems that the school holidays are on now. We wondered why there were kids around Sainsburys yesterday. VT was talking to the lady in our local shop this morning, and she said one mum was in talking about her children, and she had worked out that they were only in school for seven days in April!!! These teachers are having a good time these days!!
Tonight we are having:
Sausages in a mushroom gravy
Mashed potatoes
Cabbage and leed steamed and sauteed.
VT did all the outside things, recycling, and it is bins day tomorrow so he had to get those round to the front. Must admit I do hate wheelie bins, they are a real blot on the lamdscape these days. Then i sorted out a big pile of magazines for recycling, at least they are one step nearer the front door!
VT did a bit of mending on my hering aid last night. The fixative that the audiologist used only lasted three days, and that wasn't with heavy use either. It's not like they get moved a lot, they get put in first thing in the morning, and stay there till bedtime. So, he went on the internet to see if you could use superglue on them, and you can. So he sat down with the superglue, and fixed it. He is terrific at fixing things, loves fiddling with stuff.He would have made a good audiologist actually, pity he didn't get more of an education, he should have gone to grammar school. I wonder what he would have been if he had. We were the secondary modern generation, factory fodder, and shop work, and maybe the apprentices. Certainly not universities, or colleges. How things have changed.
Seems that the school holidays are on now. We wondered why there were kids around Sainsburys yesterday. VT was talking to the lady in our local shop this morning, and she said one mum was in talking about her children, and she had worked out that they were only in school for seven days in April!!! These teachers are having a good time these days!!
Tonight we are having:
Sausages in a mushroom gravy
Mashed potatoes
Cabbage and leed steamed and sauteed.
Monday, 4 April 2011
Why Does it Always Rain on Mondays??
Not a nice day today at all really,drizzly and wet, then it poured when we went to Sainsburys.VT went off with my debit card to get some money to top up the budget account. It seem that this month we have had a lot of bills come in together, and some of the bills are higher than normal because of the wintry weather we had around Christmas. So, he went off to do that, and I went round the store to get our veggies for the week. I like Sainsburys, they have a good choice, and it was quite quiet. A few kids around though, wonder why, it isn't Easter yet, the eggs are out in full evidence though, with all the Mother's day stuff gone. Gosh they work quickly in shops.
Funny thing, as I am typing this the sun is absolutely blazing through the window, really warmed the room up. What a weird country this is for weather. At least the little ginger girl from next door will warm up a bit now. She goes out to work, and the little cat gets let out, so of course it can't get back in again until she comes home. Such a shame it hasn't got a cat flap.
Nice picture in The Mail this morning of Ann the elephant who was being mistreated in a circus . She is now in Longleat Safari Park, and has umpteen acres of ground to explore, and water pools etc to enjoy. So that is one happy ending. She has a vet in attendance who has given her pain relief for the arthritis, so she will be a happier elephant.Aaah..
No coffees out today..VT says he is getting tired of coffees out!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight we are having:
Lemon and black pepper escalope,
Bread sauce,
Little roast potatoes 8oz
Mixed veggies Mushrooms.
Funny thing, as I am typing this the sun is absolutely blazing through the window, really warmed the room up. What a weird country this is for weather. At least the little ginger girl from next door will warm up a bit now. She goes out to work, and the little cat gets let out, so of course it can't get back in again until she comes home. Such a shame it hasn't got a cat flap.
Nice picture in The Mail this morning of Ann the elephant who was being mistreated in a circus . She is now in Longleat Safari Park, and has umpteen acres of ground to explore, and water pools etc to enjoy. So that is one happy ending. She has a vet in attendance who has given her pain relief for the arthritis, so she will be a happier elephant.Aaah..
No coffees out today..VT says he is getting tired of coffees out!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight we are having:
Lemon and black pepper escalope,
Bread sauce,
Little roast potatoes 8oz
Mixed veggies Mushrooms.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Weekend Things..
This orchid flowered on the First of December last year. Its flowers have stayed looking beautiful since then, and then..on the First of April the first flower dropped off. What a wonderful buy that was. FOUR MONTHS of flowers and the colour hasn't altered at all. Beautiful. VT gives it a bit of TLC and repotted it and it flowered after eighteen months. I wonder when it will flower again.
Saturday was a normal day, with VT nipping into Crosby to get a couple of things we had forgotten on friday.Namely some baby plum tomatoes, and avocado pears. He is a good shopper and always gets the right thing. He said Sainsbury's was very busy with Mums sitting in cars while Dads went into the shop with children. The woman in front of him was getting the new Adele CD, and a bunch of flowers. I love Adele. wouldn't mind that myself, she has a gorgeous voice.
Sunday was a bit busier with people getting last minute things I suppose, Very April weather actually, showers and sunshine, typical April. The next thing will be Easter , the eggs have been out for weeks now, but the adverts will start in earnest soon.VT got a free kilo bag of sugar today with a voucher from the paper, this is the third now. We don't use sugar, but will when we make marmalade next time. So, that will be cheap marmalade.
The crosswords were quite easy today, we seem to finish them quickly, so did the bedding early..that means a pile of ironing one day next week. No appointments next month much, which makes a change, we seem to have had a lot in March.
Last night we had:
Chinese, spring rolls and nuggets
Sweet and sour sauce,
1/2 a packet of rice
Stir fry vegetables.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with our tomato sauce, portobello mushrooms, pineapple meatfree pepperoni and Emmenthal cheese
potato salad for me and pasta salad for VT
Egg and Potato salad. with avocado.
Friday, 1 April 2011
Hares and Rabbits...
Seems like only yesterday that it was Christmas..and here we are at the first of April.The usual round of April Fool's pranks in the papers and even on the radio. We always listen to Ken Bruce in the mornings, and he was way off this morning. We sussed it was an impersonator, but not too sure which one. Turns out that it was Rob Bryden, and he made a very good job of it actually, and was very funny at times. His "Popmaster Quiz" was very well done, with him picking on the first contestant who had an ex..and the second for being a heavy drinker because he was going to a real ale festival. I don't think they were in on it, but it was very convincing. His accent was spot on.
We went to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning, I think it is The National next week, so we won't be able to get anywhere near there.I thought we didn't need much today, but still ended up spending too much. Spotted a few bargains that we couldn't resist, such as nescafe Parisienne coffee at half price.Quorn fishless fingers too which is a new line, we usually get them from Holland and Barratt and they are quite expensive.
Enjoiyed a really nice coffee in their car park as usual, quite blowy still, but very pleasant sat in the car.
Been watching all week a series on BBCOne called 32 Brinkman Street. What a gem of a series this has been. On every day from 2.15 to 3.O'Clock, and well worth wtching. Follows two families in the same house. One set in 1931, the other present day. It's a real shame that they have been tucked away in the afternoons, would have been good on a Saturday ot Sunday afternoon with maybe a wider audience. Not the first time that they have put good series on at this time, just seems a waste to me. These have been terrific, well acted, strong stories, and great plots. We recorded them and watch in the evening, can't wait to see how they finish today. Another series we really do enjoy is "Monk" which is now on ITV at about 1 O'Clock on a Saturday, he is lovely, a detective with OCD, but the stories are very quirky, and humourous.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasty from Waitrose,
Rice pudding for a treat.
We went to Sainsbury's in Walton this morning, I think it is The National next week, so we won't be able to get anywhere near there.I thought we didn't need much today, but still ended up spending too much. Spotted a few bargains that we couldn't resist, such as nescafe Parisienne coffee at half price.Quorn fishless fingers too which is a new line, we usually get them from Holland and Barratt and they are quite expensive.
Enjoiyed a really nice coffee in their car park as usual, quite blowy still, but very pleasant sat in the car.
Been watching all week a series on BBCOne called 32 Brinkman Street. What a gem of a series this has been. On every day from 2.15 to 3.O'Clock, and well worth wtching. Follows two families in the same house. One set in 1931, the other present day. It's a real shame that they have been tucked away in the afternoons, would have been good on a Saturday ot Sunday afternoon with maybe a wider audience. Not the first time that they have put good series on at this time, just seems a waste to me. These have been terrific, well acted, strong stories, and great plots. We recorded them and watch in the evening, can't wait to see how they finish today. Another series we really do enjoy is "Monk" which is now on ITV at about 1 O'Clock on a Saturday, he is lovely, a detective with OCD, but the stories are very quirky, and humourous.
Tonight we are having:
Cheese and onion pasty from Waitrose,
Rice pudding for a treat.
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