The Manuka honey was a voucher from one of the papers, and when he went to the shop, they didn't have any but they said they would order it, which they did. It is a really good size pot of honey, flavoured with blueberry which is actually really nice. So he is chuffed with that.
Not a huge number of plants in the nursery, mostly a lot of primulas etc., so we ended up with a tray of "Bellis" which I don't think we have had before. They are tiny little flowers in bright jewel colours which are like little tiny chrysanthemums a bit. Anyway, he is potting them up. Called in at Waitrose on the way back, while he went to cokllect his honey, I went into there. He wanted some figs to go with his manchego cheese at the weekend. £2.49 for about five figs!!!He's getting expensive tastes this husband of mine!!Never mind he's worth it.
Just watching Rusty and the ginger girl from next door having a stand off in the garden. neither was moving, and it looked like they were in for a fight, then Rusty moved away. Our neighbour thinks her ginger girl is a boy cat..because "All ginger cats are boys"..but we have actually had a ginger girl once, a tiny little thing called Jemima who we got from a woman who was rescuing cats quite a number of years ago now. She was a little runt of a cat..and epileptic. used to have some terrible fits, but such a sweetie. One day she just disappeared and we never found out where she ended up. We think she probably had a fit somewhere and died. Strangely enough she always had a fit when there was a full moon, maybe there is something in the "lunatic" term after all. We haven't had too many cats altogether, and they were all different. Our first..Zoe, we duidn't have for a long time, she was a bit naughty and used to go out at night, and eventually got run over. Then we got a really beautifully natured tabby..Lucy..who was VT's cat. She used to wait in the window every evening for him to come home. She would follow him round and he would drape her round his shoulders. We had a black cat pretty much at the same time called Inky..She was called Chloe from the rescue centre and we thought that was a bit too poncey. Lucy and Inky used to curl up together, and Inky would look for Luch everywhere. Inky eventually got cat Aids, and died from that, but we had a lot of years with her. Inky hated black things..I had a pair of black boots, and she'd run a mile from them..also the coal hod which is black. Maybe she had been frightened by something black.
Our two present girls will never be as close as |Lucy and Inky, they sort of tolerate each other. You will never find them eating together, or sleeping together, yet we have had them for teens of years now. Funny little animals.
That's about as good as it gets with these two!
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a sauce
Green vegetable medley,
A tiny bit of garlic bread
A tiny bit of grated parmesan.
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