Vin went out to Formby mainly to get the cat's chicken from tesco, but also to get some fire cement. i stayed in to do the ironing which has been in a pile looking at me since Sunday. I spent the morning doing that and was just about finishing when he came back. He had also gone to the Post office there to get my parcel which could not be delivered yesterday because we were out. It was the Downton Abbey DVD series two which I am going to send to John and Ann for their Christmas present. While i was in the Susan Boyle CD also arrived of her latest CD, so am sending that also. I have heard some of the songs on the radio, and she is truly blessed with a wonderful voice. her version of Lilac Wine is gorgeous.
Vin arrived back in time for coffee..typical.. and then he did the fire cement, mending a hole which apparently will help the fire to draw better. He said it is a company that has been going since 1893 !!fancy that, all that time making fire cement!!It is sold in plastic tubs now, I bet it came in lovely tin boxes years ago.
This afternoon we have done our own things, he has done his finances etc and I have fiddled about up here.
This is off some of the later New England photos that I haven't put on here yet.Some gorgeous scenery.
This is a video that Jane sent to me via email. It is just the most lovely cat and kitten video you have ever seen.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta bake with tomato and basil sauce
A bit of garlic bread
A small pack of mixed vegetables to go with.
1 comment:
I like Susan Boyle too - was going to get Karl to get her latest CD for me for Christmas. I didn't see any of the Downton Abbey episodes although I do like Dame Maggie Smith.
Just had the phone line installed this morning *YIPPEE* so have now ordered our broadband package from 02 so we should, hopefully, be up and running properly by Monday.
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