One way or another it turned out to be a busy morning. We set off for Ormskirk sort of mid-morning.Nice sunny day and no traffic along the country roads. Pleasant drive in there. I wanted to park in the car park outside M&S which is in the centre of the town so it would save time, but...we went round and round the park and no joy, so gave up and decided to make our way to the Morrisons car park instead. That was as bad..goodness jknows what was going on today. eventually we got parked, and set off for the town. Called in at the bank to pay some money in for jane to help her out a bit. That is it for spending this month now..need to catch up a bit. Holland and Barratt next which was also busy, but they had three packets iof fishless fingers left so got those before they sold out! Split up then. i wanted to go to Superdrug and Bon Marche and Vin wanted to go to Waterstones. He spent two book vouchers that have been around for ages on a book about Windows7, so he was pleased with that. I got slippers reduced to £6 , I seem to be going through an awful lot of them at the moment, treading the backs down, and they don't last.Got some stuff at Superdrug then we met up again and went to M&S. Big egg salads or potato salads either. At least they did have, but they were on their sell by date. What is it with that shop? Hopeless for salad stuff. Did buy some christmas things though, an offer three for two. Christmas ground coffee a cranberry and port sauce and a spiced damson chutney.
Ended up in Morrisons for our coffee. i was wilting a bit by then, combination of blood pressure drugs and insulin I think. Vin was feeding me glucose tablets. he says he knows when the blood sugar is low because I go "Vacant"...Cheek!!!
Coffee perked me up together with a nice shortbread biscuit, so we then went round the store. Heaving busy today..just what is going on? Got everything on the list, but had to hurry round a bit because the car park time was running out, and the couple in the queue before us were so sloooow..always the way isn't it.
Vin offered to go and get some egg salads from Formby on the way back, so we went back via there. Parked in Waitrose..right outside, and he was FOUR minutes, from parking to getting back to the car. Single minded he is.
Home for a late lunch, and I don't think the cats had moved, they were still in the places we left them! lovely life.

Just an Autumn picture from New England to cheer the blog up. I wonder if their snow has gone by now?
Tonight we are having:
Fishless fingers
Chips..200 grms between us
Mushy peas for Vin and green beans for noi
tartare sauce and a baked tomato.
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