Thursday 6 December 2012

Definitely Wintry Now!

Gone dark quite early today, when I came upstairs today to do this post it was already dark. Lights have to go on everywhere and heaters. No central heating, but our coal fire heats up some that we have and also the hot water also, so not bad value.
Vin went off to Tesco this morning to get some stock in. Armed with the £4 off £40 he ended up spending a lot more than that, so it's a good deal for Tesco. They end up winning. Poor man, he must be getting fed up with shopping, but I do have to say he is really good at it now, looking out for offers and reduced things that are good bargains.  There actually is a lot to be said for going with a list, at least that way you don't forget things, and now he has the way of looking at other stuff too he's really good.
He bought a few bread mixes because the one he made last week turned out extremely well, and lasted ages, so he made a brown loaf this afternoon. He does the dough in the breadmaker and then turns it into our own loaf tin so you get a proper loaf shape. The only problem with breadmakers is that the loaf shapes are dreadful, sort of oblong.
The house looks lovely at the moment with all the decorations up, brasses done and gleaming and waiting for the Christmas cards. I have two already so need to get on with mine.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with tomatoey sauce,
garlic bread for Vin.

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