Sunday 2 December 2012

Seing Things??

Vin came back from getting the papers this morning and looked out of the bedroom window. he said he saw two Father christmases walking past with numbers on their fronts! turned out it was a Santa dash to raise money for cancer charities. it was on the local news tonight there were hundreds of them a sea f people in red Santa suits running for their charities. Good for them..Well done everyone who took part.
We just did normal things today. Out on tuesday for ecercise tests..not looking forward to that, but must be done.  Then following monday to the Stoma clinic..not looking forward to that either..then the Monday after that admission to the wards. It has all taken so long nowyet everything seems to be rushing towards the end. 
We did our crosswords quite quickly this afternoon and only one or two that were awkward.  I love a general knowledge one to test the brain, and Vin does incredibly well with his one which is often pretty hard. So you get a sense of achievement when they are done.
Tonight we are having:
pizza with extra mushrooms and cheese
Egg and potato salad with avocado
potato salad for moi and rice salad for Vin

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