Wednesday 7 August 2013


The object of the morning was to get a couple of photos enlarged ready to give janet when she comes next week. Still don't know what day they are coming but maybe they will phone soon.
The photo shop is in Crosby not far from Sainsburys so I nipped in there while Vin went to get them enlarged. I had a bit of a browse round the newly refurbished shop while he went off. very nice now, except that you can't find anything!! I was lucky though and came across what I wanted quite quickly. He caught up with me by the home baking section where I was looking for hazelnuts. He sort of creeps up on me and speaks into my ear which makes me jump.!
The photos he got done were really lovely. One of them was a little quite faded looking one of John and the four girls and the girl cropped it and made it bigger. Beautifully done.
This is the original one before it was redddone. I think she will be really pleased with that.
On the way back we stoppedat little crosby church where John and Ann were married over 50 odd years ago. Unfortunately as is the way with most churches these days it was closed but there is a telephone number outside that you can ring. Pity we don't know what day they are coming up to Liverpool but we will have to play it by ear for that one.
Vin is doing some vacuuming of the landing mainly because he can see the cat hair. i wish they would stop shedding hair everywhere.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with mushrooms and asparagus
Garlic bread for Vin
A few carrots to go with.


Unknown said...

lovely photo :)) and Karmen is shedding hair everywhere too.

JennyMac said...

Hello again :)
The little girl on the right of John is the one who is coming to see us with her husband Tony. She is 40 odd now. They are doing London for three days, then the Isle of Wight for three then Liverpool for four, then off to Paris. Some journey.
We have filled four vacuum bags with cat hairs in our new vacuum !!!!!
Enjoy Edinburgh. XXX
love Jenny