Monday, 7 October 2013

Big Buy !

Well this weekend we made a decision to buy a new television. We had £300 worth of vouchers for Argos from doing the National Shopping Monitor scanning. Vin does the scanning and I put our stuff away so it workd out ok. For that you get points, and the points add up. We took out about 3000,000points worth a few weeks ago and decided to use them on a new television. That way you can actually see what the scanning has bought us.
So on Saturday with the papers came a catalogue for Argos with some teles in it n sale and I had a look online. Saw a Bush 32" Smart tele which was £250 seemed reasonable, so we had a look and reserved it online at the Kew store. Thought we would get the television and get a coffee at Dobbies on the way past. But, we had some tomatoes that had to be returned to Tesco because they had gone mouldy,so change of plans. Vin didn't want to go to Dobbies anyway. Collected the tele from the Argos..the poor girl having to scan in £250 s worth of ten pound vouchers which took her ages, box with the tele in surprisingly small, just a bit bigger than the television itself. very thin these days too. Drove past Dobbies in the way back and must admit I felt a pull..but never mind we will go later in the month.
Called in at Tesco's on the way back and took the tomatoes back for a refund. I suggested that we got our veggies today as well since Vin would be doing
 the tuning in tomorrow which will take a while, plus it's bed washing day, and I have two deliveries tomorrow. Aranesp, and Bullens with my bag things.  So, we got a good selection of veggies a lot on offer too, and I dragged him into Costa for a nice coffee. mainly the time was getting on, and plus there had been a bad accident on the by-pass that we had passed on the way going, and turned out they had actually closed the by-pass both ways so must havve been a very bad one. We had to come back via the back road and the Pheasant to get back home. It was a very good job we had our coffee out in the end then.
Jane rang up this afternoon, she has been having what she thinks is cklutch trouble so has booked it in to the garage tomorrow morning so will find out what is going on then.
Tonight we are having:
Pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese,
green salad with avocado and baby plum tomatoes..not mouldy ones.
Potato salad for moi and chinese noodle salad for Vin.

P.S. Turned out that the accident that was on the bypass there was someone killed in that so no wonder the road was closed.

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