Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hooray!! At Last!!

At long last, after about three weeks or more of trouble with getting on the blog , it finally seems clear. Fingers and toes crossed at this point. I went on my blog via another website yesterday, and found the settings. So, deleted the calendar gadget that someone had said to remove. Did that and hey presto I was back on. Great.
Stayed in this morning , had to really because we were expecting a coal delivery. That came at about a quarter past one and three bags for £59. !! not a cheap fuel these days is it. We have the winter fuel allowance which helps with some deliveries, so that's good.
I did a pile of ironing all of the bedding that was washed yesterday. Vin was up and down doing some clearing up, going through papers etc., so getting a bit ready for Christmas. he did put some lights up outside too and we'll put the trees etc., up soon.
First Christmas card arrived this morning so must get going on mine.
Tonight we are having:
Pasta with a cheese sauce
Asparagus and butternut squash
A bit of garlic bread for Vin.

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