Thursday 20 September 2018

Wash and Brush Up !

Nice wash and brush up all round today for us. I had a lovely hot shower and hair wash this morning and Vin has had one this afternoon. It is all a bit of a faff for me,  with having to put the Limbo thingy on and shuffling round on that. Was lovely though, used my last Linco Beer shampoo which I have had for years. I loved that shampoo and used it for ever, but then disaster struck and they stopped making it, and you cannot buy it anymore unfortunately. 
It is still blowy a bit outside but not as bad as yesterday. There is rain with it today and it is quite dark in the house which means that the lights are on everywhere. Quite a good thing really since we will have to get to bed early tonight. Probably about by ten at least if not before that because we are up at six in the morning. That is the bit I am looking forward to least actually.
Jessie has been quite quiet today, but around and about. Mostly asleep somewhere, often in her basket but   then she suddenly gets down and flops on the floor.  Strange little cat !
Waiting for her food ! Vin said he went down to feed her this morning, put the biscuits and cat food down for her then filled the kettle. She still sat there, looking up at him, and he said to her that's your  breakfast, then she got down to eating it! What a madam!!

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