Thursday, 22 November 2018

In Again!

We were going to go out today but to be honest I for one couldn't fire myself up to going off to Tesco to get a coffee which we can have perfectly well at home. One of the troubles of having a Tassimo machine is that it makes such good coffee that you begrudge going out for one really. Unless of course it is at Aintree which is better, or Dobbies so we can go shopping as well. Since we went to Dobbies last week  that was out.
In the end it was a good job because the postman delivered a parcel which may or may not be a present for someone in this house. But I'm not saying. 
Vin also did a bit of podiatry this morning! no not me but his baby, who he said had an ingrowing toenail. This nugget of information he gave me as I was about to put a spoonful of chocolate boulders to my mouth at breakfast time!! He said it was curling round into her paw pad and must have been giving her trouble. He got her still and used the cutters to get it cut. Think he checked on line first to make sure he was doing it right. He said when he had done it she was limping off  making the most of it. She seems fine now, so she must have forgotten the pain and agony of it all. 
Poorly paw!! Never mind a bit of cream cake will make it better. 

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